Is this the world's most underrated train journey?

Washington DC’s palatial Union Station - Andrea Izzotti
Washington DC’s palatial Union Station - Andrea Izzotti

A book tour of America is a true rite of passage.Everything is arranged – hotels, flights, limos – and you travel huge distances but see almost nothing; mainly bookstores and schools. If what follows feels confused and a little brusque, I’ve captured something of the experience.

I arrive in New York and stay at Loews Regency Hotel, a bright, friendly place with large rooms, close to Central Park and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where I spend a couple of hours before jumping in a car for the 3½-hour drive to Connecticut. The traffic is murderous but it’s a beautiful journey with the autumn leaves turning. Sadly, only two people have turned up to hear me talk. A bad start.

Then it’s off by Amtrak to Philadelphia. I had no idea American train journeys were so enjoyable. Watching the sleek, silver engine pull in at the platform with its bell clanging, I feel I’m in a Hitchcock movie. Sadly, Penn Station – which was gorgeous – was torn down in 1963, something The New York Times rightly called “a monumental act of vandalism”. Now New York has its very own Euston and it’s put to shame by the seriously handsome terminus at 30th Street, Philadelphia.

An Amtrak train pulling into Penn Station in NY - Credit: Getty
"Watching the sleek, silver engine pull in at the platform with its bell clanging, I feel like I'm in a Hitchcock movie" Credit: Getty

This is, incidentally, all I see of Philadelphia. No Independence Hall or Liberty Bell for me. I have two schools and a bookshop to visit. 

I leave early the next morning, back on the train. The next station, Washington DC, is more like a palace than a railway terminus. I sign stock at Politics And Prose, one of the country’s most respected bookstores, but then have 90 minutes free. My media guide drives me past the Watergate apartment block, which gives me a certain frisson, then we snatch a walk on Theodore Roosevelt Island on the Potomac river, which is lovely. 

The US Capitol building in Washington DC - Credit: pigprox - Fotolia
The US Capitol building in Washington DC Credit: pigprox - Fotolia

I visit an extraordinary school: Discovery Elementary in Arlington. It is very new and brightly coloured, purpose-designed for the child of the future. There’s even a fairground slide from the first floor to the library below! That evening I give two talks at the Spy Museum. I manage to glimpse its exhibit on Bond villains which, since I’m writing the new Bond novel on the road, is inspiring. The nearby Kimpton Hotel Monaco is hip and zany; I love the leopard skin-patterned towelling robes.

I then have a morning off in Washington. It’s such a handsome city – no building can be higher than the Capitol – and no matter who occupies the White House, it remains a classical, cultured place. 

The 50 greatest train journeys on Earth

Museums in the city are free. I rush round the National Gallery of Art – which is quite gorgeous, with huge columns, corridors and courtyards – and then walk along the fairly empty National Mall, past the Washington Monument (closed until 2019), then the Second World War memorial and on to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, sombre black granite cut into a hillside: it always strikes me as the most moving of them all. At the Lincoln Memorial, people are enjoying the October sunshine. This has to be the best month to visit. 

I fly to Raleigh in North Carolina, or rather to a shopping mall in North Hills. I’m depressed, surrounded by shops that seem to have nothing that anyone could want to buy. I go to the cinema – Stephen King’s It. It suits my mood.

The Dallas skyline by night - Credit: AP
"Dallas looks impressive with its night-time neon lighting" Credit: AP

One bookstore later and I’m off to Dallas, which looks impressive with its night-time neon lighting, but proves dispiriting and empty by day. I have an hour for a stroll and find myself, inevitably, at the book depository and the grassy knoll. It must be odd to have an assassination site as your principal tourist attraction. I take a selfie, then, after one school and one store, I’m on the way to San Francisco where the tour ends. 

My media escort, Dolores, drives me to the very pretty community of Los Altos and then to Rakestraw Books in Danville where the owner takes me on a five-mile hike through some quite spectacular countryside, green hills and vineyards that evoke the South of France. My last talk is fairly crowded. It’s been a good day.

The fee for this article has been donated to kidscape ( For more of Anthony Horowitz’s travel writing, see