A workout for your face? Natural Facelift Therapy offers alternative to expensive surgery

Royal European Beauty in Cocoa Village offers Natural FaceLift Therapy, which is like a workout for your face. This is a "before" photo.
Royal European Beauty in Cocoa Village offers Natural FaceLift Therapy, which is like a workout for your face. This is a "before" photo.
Royal European Beauty in Cocoa Village offers Natural FaceLift Therapy, which is like a workout for your face. This is a "before" photo.
Royal European Beauty in Cocoa Village offers Natural FaceLift Therapy, which is like a workout for your face. This is a "before" photo.

We can’t relive the past, but at least part of us can return to more youthful times thanks to the help of aesthetics, which offers a cornucopia of possibilities to help us set back the clock — at least physically.

While plastic surgery remains the gold standard, it is also the most expensive. Prepare to pay in the range of $10,000 for one, according to figures from to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, and that does not count in the cost of anesthesia, operating room facilities and related expenses.

Oh, and don’t forget the significant bruising and swelling that accompany the procedure will necessitate keeping a low profile for as long as three weeks.

Gentler, less expensive options such as fillers, while not providing the dramatic results of plastic surgery, allow for a younger fresher look without the cost and hassle of going under the knife.

However, most of these treatments only target the skin, not the skin and underlying tissue.

Enter Natural FaceLift Therapy, offered at Royal European Beauty skin care studio in Cocoa Village.

Unlike modalities that treat the skin, Natural FaceLift Therapy focuses on facial muscles, lifting and toning these to avert the downwards pull of gravity from biological aging.

Studio owner Corina Gata helps clients retrain the muscles in their faces, in a manner similar to how a personal trainer helps gym members with the rest of their bodies. Retraining facial muscles can go a long way in reversing the aging process.

“Facial muscles play a crucial role in supporting and shaping the face, giving it a more youthful look,” said Gata, a licensed esthetician, certified clinical electrologist, certified medical electrologist and laser technician.

“They provide a firm foundation to the structure, contour and appearance of the face, they facilitate a strong, solid infrastructure to the fat pads and overall composition of underlying facial tissue. I feel Natural FaceLift Therapy is the best-kept skin care secret.”

Royal European Beauty in Cocoa Village offers Natural FaceLift Therapy, which is like a workout for your face. This is a "before" photo.
Royal European Beauty in Cocoa Village offers Natural FaceLift Therapy, which is like a workout for your face. This is a "before" photo.
Royal European Beauty in Cocoa Village offers Natural FaceLift Therapy, which is like a workout for your face. This is a "before" photo.
Royal European Beauty in Cocoa Village offers Natural FaceLift Therapy, which is like a workout for your face. This is a "before" photo.

Working with the premise that exercise is good for all parts of the body, Gata pinpoints the face for a workout routine that uses microcurrent and other modalities enhanced with skin care products.

“My treatment is not a relaxing facial where product is applied and massaged into the skin,” Gata said.

The process “exercises” facial muscles to tone them, just as you would arm and leg muscles at the gym. It makes sense. Exercise works for the rest of the body, so why not the face?

“Strengthening and lifting the facial muscles can create a more defined jawline and lifted cheeks,” Gata said.

The treatment also improves blood circulation to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells, giving the complexion a healthier, more radiant appearance, and helps stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which improve skin elasticity and reduces fine lines, wrinkles and creases.

Exercising the muscles of the face should be a lifelong goal, adds Gata.

“Skin care is a journey, not a quick fix,” Gata said.

“Individuals devote time and money for monthly professional treatments for their nails and hair since their 20s, but skin care unfortunately does not get the same approach. Every individual would have flawless skin in the 50s and 60s if skin care received the same attention as nail and hair care.”

Results can be seen after one treatment, but optimal results are achieved through maintenance and consistency.

“This procedure has cumulative effects and is typically performed over time to achieve optimal results,” said Gata, who recommends a protocol a series of six treatments spaced a week apart, followed by monthly maintenance touchups.

“Consistency and maintenance are key for optimal results and imperative for long-term skin improvement.”

For younger clients, Natural FaceLift Therapy offers prevention, while older individuals with mature skin can benefit from its corrective care.

“The sooner the client embarks into the journey, the faster the process of slowing down aging will take place,” Gata said.

“The schedule of the treatments is more concentrated in the first three months for corrective care, while the preventative care is only once a month.”

If 53 Five-Star reviews on Google are an indication, clients like Robin Kienzle are very pleased with the results of the therapy. Three years ago, after undergoing treatment for cancer, Kienzle began Natural FaceLift Therapy.

“The procedure has been amazing for me,” she said.

“I have noticed significant improvements in skin tone, skin elasticity, lifting and an overall more youthful appearance. Facial wrinkles are very much reduced as well.”

Like Kienzle, Mindy Howard also began Natural FaceLift Therapy three years ago, and, also like Kienzle, Howard is happy with the results.

“The difference in my skin is amazing,” she said.

“The technique has lifted my face and increased the firmness and tone. I am often mistaken for someone much younger. I am also thrilled I have been able to avoid Botox and fillers.”

While Natural FaceLift Therapy provides results by itself, as it did for Howard, some of Gata’s clients use the technique to create a canvas for a more natural use of injectables, since the filler is applied on a toned and lifted muscle, therefore not necessitating an excessive amount to compensate for loose skin and muscle.

“Injecting too much filler can create an exaggerated look that does not look natural,” Gata said.

“Fillers also don’t do much for muscle contour, natural collagen or elastin production, all of which are needed. They’re bandaids. You’re not looking at the root of the problem.”

As an added bonus, Natural FaceLift Therapy provides a relaxing and calming effect that not only makes the face look better but can also benefit a person’s mood.

“Just like exercising the body can promote relaxation, stimulating facial muscles also has a calming effect,” Gata said.

“Releasing tension in the face relieves stress and promotes relaxation, contributing to a more relaxed, youthful appearance and smoother skin.”

More information:

Royal European Beauty Skin Care Studio

Where: 403 Brevard Ave., Unit 4, Cocoa Village

Phone: 407-733-6811

Web: royaleuropeanbeauty.com

Visit Facebook and Instagram for “before” and “after” images.

This article originally appeared on Florida Today: Royal European Beauty in Cocoa has alternative to expensive facelifts