Working on Your Stamina: What Does It Mean?

Medically reviewed by Oluseun Olufade, MD

Stamina is defined as "the physical and/or mental strength to do something that might be difficult and will take a long time," according to the Cambridge Dictionary. Stamina can also be referred to as staying power or be described as having a feeling of a lot of "pep" or energy.

The word "endurance" is sometimes used interchangeably with "stamina," but they aren't quite the same.

This article discusses different types of stamina, the effects of low or high stamina, and how to improve stamina.

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Stamina vs. Endurance

Stamina refers to the ability to put forth maximal (the highest) effort over a period of time (which can include rest breaks), while endurance is the ability to perform an activity for a maximal or prolonged period of time.

Defining Stamina

The three types of stamina are physical, mental, and sexual.

Physical Stamina

Physical stamina is the ability to put forth maximal effort during a physical activity, or bursts of physical effort, over a period of time. Stamina is often confused with endurance, which is defined as the ability to perform a physical activity for a prolonged period of time—but they are not the same.

For example, a game of football requires physical stamina—short bursts of maximal effort with rest breaks in between. However, running a marathon—26.2 miles at submaximal effort—requires physical endurance.

Mental Stamina

Mental stamina is sometimes referred to as mental toughness or strength. Mental stamina is the ability to handle life's stresses, performing well under pressure and maintaining focus despite distractions.

Mental stamina has multiple components that can be referred to as the four C's of mental toughness, as follows:

  • Control: Feeling like you are in control of your life, circumstances, and emotions

  • Commitment: Sticking with your goals even when it gets difficult

  • Challenge: Viewing potential threats to your success as opportunities instead

  • Confidence: Believing in yourself and your ability to succeed

Sexual Stamina

Sexual stamina is the amount of time a person can engage in sexual activities before needing to take a break. Physical and mental stamina both play an important role in sexual stamina.

Physical stamina involves having the energy to keep going and mental stamina involves being able to have sex for the desired amount of time or long enough to achieve orgasm.

Other factors that impact sexual stamina include:

Effects of Low Stamina

Low stamina can negatively impact a person's overall quality of life.

Low stamina is associated with:

  • Difficulty with daily tasks (such as household chores or shopping)

  • Fatigue

  • Depression

  • Decreased sex drive

  • Poor athletic performance

  • Decreased attention span

  • Irritability

  • Increased stress levels

  • Erectile dysfunction

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Weight gain

Effects of High Stamina

High stamina can lead to:

  • Increased energy levels

  • Improved cardiovascular health

  • Decreased stress levels

  • Increased attention span

  • Improved ability to focus on a task

  • Better sleep

  • Higher sex drive

  • Improved athletic performance

Tips for Building Stamina

Physical, mental, and sexual stamina can all be improved with healthy lifestyle habits, such as:

  • Reducing stress

  • Exercising regularly

  • Eating a healthy diet

  • Getting quality sleep

  • Setting achievable goals

  • Having a positive attitude

How to Build Stamina

Stamina can be built up, whether it's physical, mental, or sexual.

Building Physical Stamina

Stamina workouts focus on short bursts of maximal effort that are sometimes repeated throughout a period of time. Sports such as football and tennis require physical stamina.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is an effective way to build physical stamina. This type of workout alternates short bouts of high-intensity activity with short rest breaks. For example, to improve sprinting stamina, a HIIT workout could consist of 30 seconds of sprinting followed by 15 seconds of walking, repeated for a total of four minutes.

Building Mental Stamina

You can build mental stamina in several different ways. Here are some tips:

  • Set "S.M.A.R.T." goals: Increase mental stamina by setting goals that are specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and with a time frame in mind.

  • Find your motivation: Focus on "why" you are working on a particular task to help motivate you to keep going.

  • Seek outside support: Find people who will support you as you pursue your goals, such as a coach or other people who are pursuing similar goals.

  • Be positive: Maintain a positive attitude about your progress and visualize yourself achieving your goal.

  • Stay focused: Mental stamina depends on your ability to pay attention to a task for an extended amount of time. Consider using a mantra, such as "You can do this," to help keep you focused when faced with distractions.

  • Be aware of your environment: Remove potential distractions from your environment when working on tasks to help build mental stamina.

  • Practice stress management techniques: Reducing stress can improve mental stamina. Techniques such as mindfulness, stress therapy, and diaphragmatic breathing can be helpful.

Related: 7 Stress Management Ideas You’ll Feel Confident About

Building Sexual Stamina

Sexual stamina can be affected by many different physical and mental factors. The best way to help build your sexual stamina is to determine the underlying cause of your issues.

However, general lifestyle habits can help improve sexual stamina. These can include:

  • Maintain a healthy weight.

  • Avoid excess alcohol consumption.

  • Limit the use of pornography.

  • Consult with a sex therapist.

  • Exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet.

  • Strengthen your pelvic floor.

Talk to your healthcare provider if you have low sexual stamina. There could be a not-so-obvious underlying medical cause, such as a side effect of medication.


Stamina is the ability to do tasks that are difficult or take a long time to accomplish. Stamina affects many aspects of life, including physical and mental challenges and sexual performance. Low stamina is associated with fatigue, depression, increased stress levels, and decreased sex drive. High stamina can improve athletic performance, increase attention span, and improve overall quality of life.

Stamina can be built with interval training, appropriate goal-setting, and healthy lifestyle habits such as maintaining a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet, and getting enough quality sleep.

Read the original article on Verywell Health.