Wondering What to Write in a Bridal Shower Card? We've Got Literally 100 Ideas

what to write in a bridal shower card
Consider Your Next Bridal Shower Card Written!Getty/Margie Rischiotto

While your bestie’s bridal shower might be a slightly smaller deal than, say, her actual wedding, it’s still a moment in her engagement ~journey~ that deserves to be celebrated. And let's be real, bridal showers are normally so fun when you're a guest! All you gotta do is dress up, sip brunch cocktails, and size up the other bridesmaids while you mingle. If your adorable custom gift just so happens to outshine that girl from college’s matching “Mr.” and “Mrs.” mugs, so be it!

Now, every bride loves a thoughtful gift, but there’s just something extra heartwarming about the card that goes with it. This is, after all, a momentous occasion leading up to a very big day, and it's nice to feel loved—especially in writing—throughout the journey. And while striking the right balance between funny and so heartfelt that she sobs into the wrapping paper can be difficult, it can be done. In fact, we’ve got 100 wishes to write in a bridal shower card that will leave the bride smiling…and snotty. Read on and pick what speaks to you!

Bridal shower wishes for your sister...

  • You’ve been by my side our entire lives and now I’m so excited to stand by yours while you marry the love of your life.

  • My sweet sister, you deserve only the best! I’m so glad you found it in [insert spouse's name].

  • I'm def going to miss your dating app horror stories, but tbh I'm also happy you don't have to deal with that trauma anymore.

  • I feel so lucky to have spent an entire childhood with you. Your sweet [husband/wife] is even luckier to spend forever with you.

  • I’ve spent my whole life looking up to you and that will never change. I know your marriage will be just as much of an example.

  • I hope [insert spouse’s name] knows that they're gonna have to share you.

  • You’re officially someone else’s problem. Phew!

  • We’ve been dreaming about this chapter our entire lives and now I get to watch you live it. I couldn’t be happier for you and [insert spouse's name].

  • You deserve the entire world and then some. Make sure [insert spouse’s name] provides it, or I will come for them.

  • I can’t believe you're finally getting married! Mostly because I wasn’t sure anyone would be willing to put up with you. 😉

  • Your registry looks pretty fire. Don't forget I love gifts too...

  • My sweet sister, this is what you spent your whole life looking for. I couldn’t be happier that you finally found it.

  • To my sister and best friend, my heart is bursting for you and your love.

  • Thank you for being an example of what true love looks like. I can’t wait to keep witnessing what you two share.

  • I'm glad you'll be stealing [insert spouse's name's] shirts now instead of mine.

  • You’re going to have the most beautiful life and the most beautiful babies—who will have the coolest [aunt/uncle], I might add.

  • Wishing you all the marital bliss in the world, sister!

  • Cheers to a lifetime of love, happiness, and me, third wheeling!

  • My sweet sister, I’m so excited to welcome the love of your life into our family!

  • Congratulations, sis! I am counting down the days until we walk you down the aisle.

Bridal shower wishes for your new sister-in-law...

  • Thank god my [brother/sister] did something right! Welcome to the family!

  • I’ve always wanted a sister and I couldn’t be more excited that it’s you.

  • You're definitely out of my [brother/sister's] league. Thanks for marrying them anyways!

  • I’m wishing you all the happiness, health, and love in your marriage ahead!

  • I am so thrilled to finally call you my sister.

  • To my brand new sister-in-law, I’m so excited that your marriage also means we’re forever family.

  • Congrats, new sissy! I’m here anytime you need to shit talk my [brother/sister]!

  • You already fit so effortlessly into our family. This just makes it official!

  • This wedding is so much more than just a marriage. It also means the joining of two families—and I couldn’t be more excited about it.

  • You two are truly meant to be and I couldn’t be happier to have the opportunity to witness it. Congrats to my new sister.

Bridal shower wishes for your best friend...

  • I will be here to regularly remind your [bride/groom] that I’m actually your soulmate!

  • Here’s to forever...as your third wheel!

  • You’re more than a best friend. You’re my soulmate, and don’t you let [insert spouse’s name] forget that.

  • Honestly, I’m just glad you didn’t marry your ex. Congrats on your upcoming day! I love you and can’t wait to be by your side.

  • Prepare yourself now, because I will be sobbing my way through your entire ceremony.

  • I’m screaming for joy for you, bestie!

  • Let’s get you down the aisle, best friend!

  • I hoped and prayed and said little witch spells for you to find the love of your life, and you now you have.

  • So, like...can I borrow all your cute white outfits when I finally get engaged?

  • I couldn’t have dreamt up a more perfect love story for you if I tried!

  • Your love is magic and I’m so excited to be on this journey with you.

  • I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together. Me, you, and your new [husband/wife]!

  • You met the person of your dreams and I couldn’t be happier for you if I tried.

  • I love you and I love your love! Thank you for being an example of true love.

  • Fine, I’m willing to share…but only because you’re so in love.

Short and sweet bridal shower wishes...

  • Let’s get you married!

  • Is it just me, or does this feel like a fairytale?!

  • I love seeing you so in love!

  • [Insert wedding date] is going to be the best day of the year!

  • I knew you two were endgame the first time I saw you together!

  • I am so ready to shower you with LOVE today!

  • Obsessed with your ring, obsessed with your love, and definitely going to be obsessed with your wedding day!

  • My heart is bursting for you!

  • I am so happy my favorite couple is tying the knot!

Bridal shower wishes for your coworker...

  • From work wife to real wife...what a glow-up!

  • Rumor around the office is that your wedding is the hottest ticket in town—thanks for inviting me!

  • Keep the honeymoon short and sweet—I can’t survive work without you!

  • Did you put in a PTO request for this? JK. Kinda.

  • Thank you so much for letting me in on this special day. I can’t wait to celebrate you!

  • Wishing you and your partner the most beautiful marriage ever.

  • Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials! I’m so excited to cheer you on!

  • I am so excited to shower you in love today and keep the party going for your wedding next month.

  • Congratulations to the blushing bride! I’m so excited to celebrate you!

  • You’re getting married!!! I am thrilled to celebrate you today ahead of your big day.

Bridal shower wishes that will fully make the bride laugh out loud...

  • It’s already too late to get out of this, huh? Guess mazel tov it is!

  • I’m so excited to celebrate your incredible love, but also here if you need help sneaking out of the church bathroom window.

  • I can’t believe you’re getting married! Just yesterday you were making out with randos on our senior year spring break trip. Oh, how time flies.

  • The divorce rate might be 50 percent, but your love is different! Congrats! (I’ve also got the number for a great attorney, I’ll leave that here just in case).

  • May your only pain today be champagne, bestie.

  • Congrats on meeting your second favorite person in the world! They will never hold a candle to me, but they can keep trying.

  • Fine, if you really want me to officiate the wedding, I will. Twist my arm!

  • I’m just so thankful that my favorite person (you, duh!) found someone deserving of all the love in your heart. I’m mostly talking about me, but fine, the [bride/groom] counts too.

  • I’m so excited to get the annoying [brother/sister] I always wanted! Love you both!

  • I am so excited to celebrate your upcoming wedding, but will be even more excited if you find a single friend to set me up with!

  • I’m going to sob my way through your entire ceremony. I’m just preparing you now!

  • I’m so excited for you and [insert spouse’s name]. Does [he/she] know what [he/she] is getting into?

  • Does your fiancé(e) have any hot friends? Or even just nice ones???

  • If you change your mind, I know a great escape route!

  • So you’re just going to leave me out here on the dating apps alone? To fend for myself??

  • I am here with you every step of the way, except maybe down the actual aisle. Your dad probably wants that gig.

  • I have truly never been happier to buy someone an air fryer.

  • I bet your high school boyfriend is really kicking himself now. You're the one that got away and then some!

  • Congratulations on the upcoming wedding, and all the money you’re gonna get with it.

  • Step aside, Ben and JLo...there's about to be a new hot married couple in town!

  • Happy bridal shower! Just don’t go all bridezilla on me!

Sappy bridal shower wishes that will make the bride sob...

  • I couldn’t be more excited to watch you marry the love of your life. Happy bridal shower!

  • I’m so proud of the person you’ve become. You deserve a lifetime of happiness and I know that’s exactly what you’re going to get with your soulmate.

  • You’ve never looked more beautiful than when you are together with your soulmate and a smile on your face.

  • It has been such a privilege to witness your love. I can’t wait to celebrate it on your special day.

  • I'm sure [insert spouse's name] is going to tear up when you walk down the aisle, but I'm going to be full-on sobbing.

  • I love your love and am looking forward to celebrating it.

  • You two deserve a lifetime of happiness and I have no doubt that’s exactly what you will get.

  • Congratulations on finding the love of your life!

  • You are both so lucky to have found each other and I can’t wait to celebrate that with you.

  • I am so glad you followed your heart and found the love of your life.

Bridal shower wishes for your daughter...

  • I’ve spent your entire life wishing and hoping for a love like this for you, my sweet daughter.

  • You’ve grown into the most incredible person and I couldn’t be happier that you found someone worthy of experiencing that every single day.

  • Wishing you, my daughter, a lifetime of love and happiness. My bank account hurts, but my heart is so happy.

  • I am overjoyed for you, my sweet girl. All our planning has been worth it.

  • I can’t wait to watch you walk down the aisle and marry the love of your life, baby girl. Sorry in advance for all the happy tears.

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