You Won't Be Able to Watch This Girl Singing Into a Well Without Getting Goosebumps

Photo credit: Twitter/tdayr18
Photo credit: Twitter/tdayr18

From Seventeen

If you thought your bathroom shower had the best acoustics for solo karaoke seshes, think again. Kansas high-schooler Tiffany Ruan discovered an even better place to belt out your favorite ballads: an ancient well in Italy.

The Wichita junior was traveling with her school's choir in the town of Spoleto last month when she saw the well and apparently thought, I need to sing into that.

Twitter is really excited she did. In a 48-second video that has since gone viral, Tiffany casually leans over the opening and serves up a flawless performance of "Hallelujah," Leonard Cohen's classic song from 1984, with the well's chamber creating a haunting echo.

The internet was captivated by Tiffany's incredible vocal chops. In days, her tweet racked up over 130,000 RTs and 200,000 favorites, with many users reporting goosebumps and feelings of holiness.

And people couldn't get over the guy standing behind Tiffany, who seemed oblivious to the miracle unfolding before him as he scrolled on his phone.

By popular demand, Tiffany recorded a video of herself over the weekend in which she sings a longer version of the song. It's been viewed more than 100,000 times.

But Tiffany's new fans aren't satisfied - and are demanding more music from the teen. On Twitter, she promised to keep sharing vids.

In an interview with Kansas' KWCH12, Tiffany said music has always been her passion but never seemed possible as a career. She's reconsidering in light of all the social-media love, explaining, "Now that this video has kind of gotten big and I've been presented with all these opportunities, I think my mindset has changed and I'd really love to pursue music professionally."

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