Women Are Revealing The Most Embarrassing Things Men Have Confidently Said To Them, And I Have Secondhand Cringe

If you're a woman, you've definitely thought about how men seem to have a special kind of confidence that empowers them to say whatever they want — no matter how unasked for, offensive, or embarrassing.

NBCUniversal Television Distribution / Via giphy.com

So u/ceo_of_dumbassery decided to ask women, "What's the most embarrassing thing a man has said to you?" And, wow, there was no shortage of responses, so here are just some of the top ones:

1."My manager looked at me and said, with all of my male coworkers in the room, 'I hope I can try you out in bed. You must be a freak.'"

Televisa Internacional / Via giphy.com

"I reported him and he was terminated." —u/toootired2care

2."'Damn girl, are you as young as you look? 'Cause I've got a white van just around the corner.'"

Warner Bros. Television Distribution / Via giphy.com


3."I brought a guy out with my friends once, and we were talking about nicknames that family and friends have given us. He goes, 'My friends call me silverback gorilla because they recognize my alpha vibe.'"

Fremantle North America / 19 Entertainment / Via giphy.com

"Obviously a damn lie." —u/CHILLIMEDITING

4."My brother and I were in a car accident. It was the other driver's fault. It's kind of easy to see that my brother and I are siblings. We keep out of each other's space — like, we sit on opposite sides of a row of seats. The driver sued the insurance company, and we had to go testify in court. The guy said loudly, in front of the judge and lawyers, that, of course, I'd lie for my boyfriend because I fuck him. The guy's lawyer told him in a not-so-quiet voice that we're siblings. He turned beet red and lost the case since the evidence clearly showed he was at fault."

"I had to wait until we left the court to laugh my ass off." —u/Lunaphoenix23

5."This dude I was talking to asked if I was looking to have kids. I was 20 and said, 'Not anytime soon.' He proceeded to tell me that my breasts would look great swollen with milk."

Warner Bros. Television Distribution / Via giphy.com


6."A white man once said to me, a black woman, that he could be the marshmallows to my hot chocolate."

NBC / Broadway Video / Electric Hot Dog Productions / Via giphy.com

"Cute, but I had secondhand embarrassment." —u/AsleepAcademic

7."'Wait, how can you be both Korean and Chinese?'"

Thunderbird Films / Via giphy.com


8."A guy I dated wanted me to give him a BJ, and I asked if he would give me oral, too. He responded: 'I only eat out a girl when she's my girlfriend.' Thankfully I didn't blow him, as I suddenly decided to only do that for boyfriends."

Lionsgate Television / Via giphy.com


9."'God, I hate being around all these betas.' We were at the gym."

Sony Pictures Television / Via giphy.com

"He was also 29, and I was 18. Those whole six months were an embarrassment." —u/AltruisticRevenue869

10."I was at church with my dad, and one of the old men came up to us. He pointed at me, then looked at my dad and said, 'I see you've brought your concubine with you.'"

Sony Pictures Television / Via giphy.com

"This was after he had smacked my butt with a rolled-up newspaper. I never went back there again." —u/PiggyNoDance

11."I posted a Facebook status about working out, and this guy I'd never met before commented, 'If you'd like to work out together, I'll give you a very special protein shake afterward. Wink,' implying his sperm. This man commented publicly, in front of everyone."

WE tv / Magical Elves Productions / Via giphy.com

"I still cringe thinking about it." —u/Pink_Padme

12."This guy was trying to be discrete about weed and asked me, 'So…you like broccoli?'"

NBCUniversal Syndication Studios / Via giphy.com


13."I worked at the Dollar General for a short time after high school. I am biracial (Black and white), and a white man I was ringing up winks at me and says, 'You know, I really like colored girls.' The guy behind him just said, 'DUDE?'"

Fremantle / Syco Entertainment / Via giphy.com


14."For me, it would have to be: 'You don't know how to smoke weed properly, but for a girl, you were pretty good,' said by a guy who has never in his life been near weed before, let alone smoked it."

"I don't do drugs anymore, this was just from a little phase from high school." —u/ceo_of_dumbassery

15."'I only like vulnerable girls. I want a girl who is reliant on me and will just cry on my shoulder.' That freaked me out, especially since I had mental health issues when we first started dating."

Fremantle / Media Australia / SYCOtv / Via giphy.com

"Guess the mental state of his next girlfriend." —u/smoothestcrayoneater

16."He asked me, 'Do you like bananas?' I said no, and so then he asked, 'Do you want to taste mine?' 'Obviously not.'"

Disney–ABC Domestic Television / Via giphy.com


17."'I don't go down on women.'"

Bravo / Truly Original / Via giphy.com


18."A man I was serving heard I was Asian and then said, 'I like Asian girls, they remind me of children.'"

ABC / Buena Vista Television / Disney–ABC Domestic Television / Via giphy.com


19."'…but you're not real Asian-Asian,' said by a white dude explaining to me that my being Indian isn't Asian."

NBCUniversal Television Distribution / Via giphy.com


20."'You look like a clown with all that makeup on.' My (now ex) husband said that to me on our wedding day."

VH1 / Shed Media / Via giphy.com


21."'Your arms are huge.' I will never forget it and am still trying to stop being insecure to show my arms in public."


22."It was Juneteenth, and this man looks me up and down and says, 'I'd buy you if you were a slave. You look...strong...'"

Warner Bros. Television Distribution / Via giphy.com


23."I was 19, married, pregnant with my second son, and waiting tables. This guy, who was sometimes a customer and sometimes a coworker, told me that I was obviously legal enough to not get him in trouble and looked young enough to please the 'lover of young girls in him.'"

CBS Media Ventures / Via giphy.com

"Like, what the actual fuck…" —u/Novel_Benefit_6384

24."'Well, if you're going to move, at least let me get you pregnant so you have a child to remember me by.' No, we were not dating, and I wasn't interested in him."

NBC / 20th Television / Via giphy.com


25."'There's no way you're a lesbian, you're way too hot! You just haven't met a nice guy who can fuck you right.' a pause 'I'm a nice guy.'"

Bravo / Evolution Media / Via giphy.com

"This was a coworker, and he was dating a different coworker at the time, too." — —u/MajorAmbiance

26."After a date, he asked, 'Could I use your card and pretend it's mine? I left mine at home and don't want to look like a loser.' I laughed because I thought it was some kind of weird joke. Nope. He was 100% serious."

HBO / The Reasonable Bunch / A24 / Little Lamb / DreamCrew / HBO Entertainment / Via giphy.com

"We did not have a second date." —u/Awkward_Fig3967

27."We had sex and neither of us finished. The next day, he told me I was 'too deep.' Yes, he accused my vagina of being too deep."

Netflix / Via giphy.com


Are you laughing, cringing, choking, or all of the above? Or, did this remind you of your own experience? Let us know in the comments below!