Women Are Finally Competing In Crankworx Slopestyle, Here's Why We're Excited

The news broke a few months back that Crankworx is opening up a women's category in its slopestyle events. Not only that, but they are bringing equal airtime and prize money to the women's category which is groundbreaking and a huge step in the right direction toward making professional freestyle mountain biking a viable profession for both genders.

Now, a few months since that announcement and with the season right around the corner, here are a couple of my thoughts on this move by Crankworx.

First, they are setting a fantastic precedent here. It is great to see at least one of the major events taking a firm stand toward equality for women in this sport. This will put pressure on, ironically, other Red Bull events to accept the future.

Second, as I mentioned above this is a fantastic first step toward making freestyle mountain biking as viable of a career for women as it is for men. No one is under the impression that freeriders are absolutely rolling in the dough, but most of the top riders at least do well enough to focus solely on riding bikes. All I'm saying is it would be nice to see women afforded that same opportunity.

Third, more biking is good for everyone. Really now, is anyone actually mad to see more slopestyle? It's an objectively fun discipline to watch and an extra hour or so of Joyride would not go unappreciated by myself or most other freestyle fans. 

The Crankworx season gets underway in a little under two weeks, so look forward to some rad slopestyle riding soon.

Related: Crankworx Adding Women's Slopestyle World Championships In 2024

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