The women of 'The Bachelor' are still arguing about 'glam shaming'

Does society judge women who primp? (Photo by JGI/Jamie Grill/Getty Images)
Does society judge women who primp? (Photo by JGI/Jamie Grill/Getty Images)

Sunday’s The Bachelor: The Women Tell All special saw cast members airing a lot of dirty laundry and rehashing old beefs. Chief among them: glam shaming.

Beauty bashing became an issue on the show in Week 4, in which Arie Luyendyk Jr. arranged a group date hiking around Lake Tahoe. The contestants vying for his heart were forced to rough it, but not everyone appreciated their great outdoors experience. That included Marikh Mathias, who was filmed primping her hair midhike and using her compass as a compact.

Chelsea Roy, another contestant, found Mathias’s efforts amusing and mentioned it to Luyendyk. He then brought it up with Mathias, who took the comments as a judgment on her commitment to looking gorgeous. She later confronted a flabbergasted Roy and accused her of “glam shaming her.”

“Just like people slut shame and body shame people, you’re, like, glam shaming me,” the 27-year-old restaurant owner told Roy, who joked that as a former model, she’s always been “pro-glam.”

That would have been that if host Chris Harrison hadn’t poked the bear and brought it all up during the Women Tell All special. Roy insisted she hadn’t judged Mathias and was just making a lighthearted observation, Mathias was still miffed about the incident. The other contestants seemed divided about whether or not she had a right to be offended, with Brittany Taylor repeating that glam shaming “is not a thing.”

Roy tried to make amends, even offering Mathias a beauty compact as a peace offering, but it was banished to the floor. Mathias’s subsequent tweets prove that she’s willing to die on this hill — with perfect waves and a nice smoky eye, of course.

She also devoted an entire Instagram post to the matter, explaining her position further.

“FOR THE RECORD: I created the term glam-shaming on the show because that’s the only way I could describe the situation I was put into,” she wrote. “What you guys didn’t see was me telling Arie that he could ask me anything and him asking me how long it would take me to get ready for a hike. Out of everything in the world, he asked me about that! That’s when I knew he didn’t have any interest to get to know me on a deeper level based on what someone had said to him about me, and the judgment he made because of it.

“Glam-shaming is, at the end of the day, just a word right? I know how silly it can sound at times, but what it represents is anything but silly. It’s about not being seen for the person you are because of what someone thinks about you based on how you dress, do your makeup, do you hair, whatever it may be. I know I can’t be the only woman in the world who’s been labeled ‘high maintenance’ or told that I seem like a bitch because of how I look. When this issue arose on the show, it perpetuated the vicious cycle of this judgment in my life, and really hurt me. I think about all the diverse types of beautiful (inside and out) people I have in my life and missing out on knowing them if I had made a judgment based on how they choose to present themselves.

“At the end of this debate, it’s about love. I went on The Bachelor to find love and when something as petty as how I maintain my hair comes in the way of that, it’s not okay. Everyone deserves love, EVERYONE. Why does it matter if someone fixed their hair on a hike if they make you laugh, support you, love you unconditionally. It doesn’t.”

Twitter naturally has its own take with this raging debate.

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