Woman's Gut-Wrenching Reminder About Having Pets Has People Sobbing

Despite all those nights spent walking in the cold, or cases of the zoomies while you're on a work call, having a dog is so worth it. Most dog owners know this, but poet Josie Balka put into words how much dogs really mean to us in the most heartbreaking poem online.

Balka reminded all of us that one day all those inconveniences will seem so sweet.

The poet captured what happens after pet loss in a video online.

Related: Woman Shares Her True Emotions While Dealing With Pet Loss and Its Heartbreaking

"There will come a day that we will vacuum up the last of your hair that was always such a nuisance," she said in the clip. "There will be no apologies about the state of the backseat of the car," she continued. "And no wincing after I hear the doorbell because of the roar of barking."

It's easy to take these things for granted, but she's so right — one day every tiny annoyance will be a cherished memory.

Balka's words had people in the comments section practically crying. "Not me sobbing while my dog is completely healthy, " one person wrote. "And this is why and how we got another dog after my soul dog died. I thought I couldn’t handle the loss again. Turns out, I couldn’t handle the quiet and lack of pure love," someone else added. "We bring them home knowing that one day they will give us one of the hardest days of our life. But to love and be loved by them is worth every tear," someone else chimed in.

Coping With Pet Loss

The commenters are right — the day you say goodbye to your pet could be the hardest day of your life. It's a grief that's hard to describe to people. You've lost your best friend.

If you're dealing with pet loss, there are some ways to help the grieving process. It should be said that grief isn't linear. Some days will feel hard, while others might pass quickly. However when it's hard, it's really hard. Which is why you might want to give yourself time and space to grieve.

It's important to acknowledge that you're grieving. That might seem silly to say, but it's the first step towards healing. Crying or feeling sad is very normal, don't ignore these feelings.

The next tip might seem impossible, but it's best to not ruminate on your pet's final moments. You lived a long life together! Let the happy times be your lasting memories of them.

Finding support through family, friends, or local support groups can also help. It might feel cathartic to memorialize your pet in a special ceremony or plant a tree in their honor. Finding some way to actively say goodbye can be a release.

Grief does get easier. It's important to remember to take it day by day.

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