Woman uses beach rubbish to create art

A woman who creates art using rubbish she picks up from beach cleans has said her creations are "such a therapy".

Laura Edmunds, who is based in Plymouth, creates images of landscapes across Devon and Cornwall.

She uses plastic, sea glass and other items of rubbish she finds on beaches as part of her creations.

Ms Edmunds said art had helped her after she "suffered" with post-natal depression.

A photo of the art
The pieces are made from items like pottery, sea glass and plastic [BBC]

"One of the things I did was go out and get some fresh air on the beach," she said.

"The art can be such a therapy."

Ms Edmunds said she hoped her work would urge people to think about the environment.

"[My art is about] trying to make people smile, and really quietly knock them on the head with a conversation when they realise it's made from rubbish from the beach," she said.

"I'm still struggling with calling myself an artist. I'm trying really hard, I get there most days and it's something you have to have passion about.

"You have to be doing it for a reason because at the end of the day if it feels like something you have to do, you have to do it.

"It makes life better, everybody should be creative in some way."

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