Woman Updates Balcony With Interlock Tile and Turf for the Perfect Seasonal Decor

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Imagine this: a cup of hot coffee in your hand, a good book on your lap, and the soft, inviting turf beneath your feet. Now, imagine all this taking place on the balcony of your own home. Sounds picture-perfect, right?

Innovative renter @thetalkingcasa didn’t just dream; she made it a reality, converting her dull balcony into a charming getaway with interlock tile and spiffy turf!

The first step in this impressive balcony transformation involved interlock tiles. Budget-friendly, aesthetic, and easy to install, interlock tiles are an excellent choice for anyone seeking a doable and impactful renovation. Our adventurous homeowner chose designs that resonated with her love for geometric patterns, which added a striking artistic touch to her flooring.

Start by placing the tiles individually, interlocking them, and ensuring a smooth surface with the mallet. The level will help maintain uniformity. It's as simple and straightforward as it sounds!

Switching to artificial turf was a genius touch! Gone are the days when balconies were just for hanging clothes or storing unused items. Turf in the balcony? An audacious choice, but it paid off. With its luscious green look and realistic feel, it added a radiating warmth to the balcony that's inviting throughout the year.

Measure your balcony accurately! Cut the turf to your measurements using the utility knife, place the carpet tape around the balcony's perimeter, and gently lay your turf on top.

With the foundation set, it's time to get creative. This home enthusiast added her personal touch, integrating plants, string lights, and an array of her favorite décor items that can be easily swapped out for seasonal variations.

Remember, the goal is to create an outdoor extension of your home that reflects your personality. Don't be afraid to make bold choices.

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