Woman’s Trash Can Aisle Shopping Hack Breaks Target’s ‘Spell’

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Have you ever gone shopping with one thing in mind and then ended up with half the store in your shopping cart? Yes, we've all been there, but that's not even the worst part. The worst part is coming home and noticing nothing you bought complements the interior of your home!

That's why TikToker Morgan Smith suggests you take one important step while in the store, as she posted on August 21. Let's find out more!

What a creative and genius way to combat impulse buying decisions!

It's a great strategy that involves taking items you're considering purchasing to a different aisle, often the trash can aisle, to detach yourself from the initial excitement of wanting to buy something. This gives you time to evaluate the items more objectively, away from the curated decor surrounding them.

By doing this, you're allowing yourself to reconsider the purchase with a clear mind, free from the immediate emotions that can lead to impulse buying.

If you find that the items still hold their appeal after being removed from the original aisle, this means your desire for them might be more genuine and not solely based on curated displays. As you can see, this method can help you make more thoughtful and intentional decisions about your purchases, potentially leading to a more mindful shopping experience and preventing regrettable impulse buys.

Also, always ask yourself, "Do I really need this? Or do I just want it?"

By asking yourself this question, you can also determine if it's a necessary or more aesthetic purchase. And hey, I'm not saying don't treat yourself, but how many vases or bowls does one really need or even use?

This reminds me of my mother, who can never pass on a vintage china set she comes across at the flea market; meanwhile, she already has like five of them, and she only ever uses one set. She also absolutely has no room to store any of them.

Let this be a reminder.

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