Woman sparks envy on TikTok with ultimate gift to future in-laws: ‘I did not grow up like this’

Cottagecore has been trending since the Covid-19 lockdowns, and it’s clear why it’s still so popular in the throes of TikTok.

Tapping into the heartfelt aesthetic of millennials and Gen Z, cottagecore romanticizes a simpler countryside lifestyle, which this TikToker has absolutely nailed with her harvest baskets.

Under the username @carmeninthegarden, Carmen shares footage of all the homemade and harvested goods that she has collected from her garden — and the result is a little glimpse of heaven.

Popping the goods into a wooden basket, Carmen adds homemade marmalade and mustard alongside harvested crops from her garden, such as kumquats, lettuce, edible flowers, and even eggs from her hens. In the caption, Carmen says that the basket is a gift for her future in-laws.

These harvest baskets aren’t just an impressive gift; they reflect a thriving garden that can help reduce our carbon footprint. Growing your own fruit and vegetables limits reliance on commercial farming and the transportation required along with it. It also gives you more control over what goes into your soil, whether it is synthetic or organic.

Carmen’s TikTok has become a huge hit thanks to her wholesome content and seasonal recipes, amassing 590,400 followers on the app and inspiring people with her cottagecore gardening vibes. In addition to her TikTok account, Carmen in the Garden uploads recipes, gardening tips, and other home tips to her blog.

While her cocktails and yard-to-table dinner recipes are other crowd favorites on her platform, there’s something about experiencing the garden through Carmen’s lens each time she packs a harvest basket that keeps audiences coming back for more.

“If my daughter-in-law doesn’t get me a harvest basket, I don’t want her,” comments one user.

“I can’t wait to have a garden,” says another.

Others ask how she learned to grow everything herself and where she found the recipe inspiration.

Carmen says in response: “Books mostly! And other creators on social media. I did not grow up like this.”

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