Woman Shares Things Her Dog Does That Make Him a 'Good Boy' and Captures Our Hearts

We'd do absolutely anything for Ollie.

As a pet parent, you just can't help appreciating the small things about your best furry friend. It could be the way they greet you when you come home, or the way they scare themselves with a toot. Even the gross stuff seems adorable when you love someone so much--dog owners understand! 

Good Boy Ollie's mama is no exception. It's so easy to see how much she adores her boy! She helped him rise to social media stardom by showing viewers his special activity jar that they select from every weekend, but this viral post is all about Ollie himself. Ready to learn all the reasons he's such a good boy?

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This is just the cutest thing! Everything from his concentrating face to his daily hugs absolutely melted our hearts. We love Ollie oh-so-much and he's not even our dog! We're definitely not alone in that, though. Commenter @awesomebaker36 thinks this chocolate Labrador is "super cute and handsome," and we couldn't agree more. Like @sandyarc1 said, "he's just a little gentleman!"

We can't help but wonder whether this sugar-faced pup has any idea just what a good boy he is. He makes so many people smile! Viewer @Mae_rie wrote, "Ollie makes my days without him even knowing 😭," and if that isn't the truth, we don't know what is! Something about this boy is so pure and precious that we simply can't resist him--who could?

If you ask us, @chillsg7 is completely right when they said, "He IS THE BESTEST BOY ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️." From his gentle manners with other animals to the joyful way he romps around with buddies, everything Ollie does seems to be filled with utter joy and love. We could learn a thing or two from him!