Woman reconsiders wedding after witnessing fiance’s ‘argument tactics’: ‘He sounds like a child’

A bride-to-be is so sick of her husband’s argumentative behavior that she may call off their wedding.

She asked Reddit’s “Relationship Advice” forum to weigh in. The most recent example of her fiance’s behavior was a 5-hour argument over COVID-19 swabs. He asked her to swab his nostrils. She thought it would be less painful if he did it himself. Then the fight started.

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“So everytime we have an argument he has a certain point of view and own beliefs about what is logical and sound,” she said. “Sometimes I have a different point of view and he will argue with me until I either agree with him or I change his point of view. This is usually over really small things.”

The fiance asked her to do a COVID-19 rapid test on him. But the last few times, he complained of how painful it was. She wrote she had found a less painful way to complete the rapid test, but he disagreed.

“I heard that it is less painful when you do it yourself so I suggested it to him,” she wrote. “I told him I was uncomfortable inflicting pain on him and I felt uncomfortable the last few times. I suggested he try it himself. He kept begging me to do it and I got annoyed. I even told him he doesnt have to go deep just in the nares.”

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He did the test himself but “got mad” that she “wasn’t caring” enough when he was “vulnerable.”

“He told me I am not caring and I should have helped him or sat by him,” she explained. “He told me I didnt do it because I was annoyed of swabbing him. I told him my true intentions were that he be in less pain. We have been arguing about this for 5 hours now and I ended up crying because it was ao frustrating.”

Reddit posters felt this was a major red flag.

“He sounds like a child,” a user wrote.

“This isn’t going to get better after you’re married, this is just a preview,” another added.

“You are frankly being beaten down verbally until you agree with your partner,” someone warned.

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