Woman Mourning Her Son Heals with Hugs From Therapy Rescue Cow

Sometimes you just need a soft place to land.

Petting and cuddling with a therapy animal can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels in people who are mourning. Spending time with animals can animals can increase the production of feel-good hormones such as oxytocin and dopamine, which can help those suffering the loss of a loved one. This can be especially helpful during the early stages of grief, when emotions can be overwhelming and difficult to manage.

After a woman suffered the loss of her son, she visited @thegentlebarn to spend some time cuddling with one of their therapy cows. Watch the following to see how this rescued therapy cow helped her when she needed a loving shoulder to lean on. It's just so touching.

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TikTok users are so touched by this sweet scenario, and @Breck comments, "I’m not crying. You’re crying." @Sistah72 adds, "The sweetest. Animals can for sure heal. I need this in my life."

Here's a beautiful video that explains more about The Gentle Barn's origins and mission.

From the Gentle Barn's website: At The Gentle Barn we stand up for the innocent, and we help animals and children alike remember that they matter. We open people’s hearts to the connections with nature. We open people’s minds to what is happening around us. And we inspire people to be an integral part of the solution. Through the stories and interactions with our animals, we can raise future generations to have reverence for all life, protect our planet, live good healthy, happy lives, and we will all be closer to having peace on earth!

If you are interested in visiting, you can learn more about The Gentle Barn here. What a wonderful place this is.

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