Woman Miraculously Survives 50-foot Plunge Down a Waterfall in Hawaii and Catches It All on Video

Heather Friesen, a 26-year-old hiker, knows the dangers of getting too close to the edge all too well. During a recent hike in Honolulu, Friesen ventured to the top of a waterfall, only to slip and fall more than 50 feet into the water below. Miraculously, she both survived and captured the entire ordeal with her GoPro.

In the video, viewers can see Friesen get close to the edge and let out a “whoa” as she sees the view below. She then appears to step on a wet patch before slipping and careening down the falls.

Friesen lets out a few screams as she hits nearly every rock on the way down. She then falls into the water and stays submerged for a terrifying length of time. While underwater, Friesen can be heard moaning in pain.

"I couldn't breathe very well I knew that something had to be wrong," she told ABC News. "I tasted blood in my mouth."

When she made it to the surface, Friesen explained she could “remember my vision getting a little blurry, but I just kept telling myself to keep trying to take deep breaths.” Suddenly, two hikers arrived by her side to help her. One of those hikers happened to be friendly with a nearby rescue team and texted them for help.

“When I was on the helicopter being airlifted out, it was the most peaceful moment of my life,” she told ABC. “I kept repeating to myself, ‘God’s got me, I’m going to be OK’ and that I’m going to play volleyball again.”

In total, Frieser suffered a collapsed lung, 10 broken ribs, and a fractured scapula.

Frieser further shared on the podcast, In the World of Female Sports, that she found out there “had been others before me who fell from the same spot and died, and I know that God saved my life that day.”