This Woman Laughed In Her Husband's Face After He Demanded They Void Their Prenup Because She Now Makes Significantly More Money Than Him

Well, hello. You know this is going to be a juicy "Am I The Asshole (AITA)" Reddit thread because it is titled, "AITA for laughing in my husband's face?"


If you've never seen us cover this particular subreddit, well, the topics are pretty straightforward: People ask if they're assholes for how they handled certain situations.


And today's question comes from u/Takingcrazypills000. She's 32 years old and has been married to her 34-year-old husband for 6 years. Here's the dilemma...

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"Before we got married, he had me sign a prenup stating that our financials would always be separate and the only thing we would share was an expense account to pay for household-related fees. The reason for this was because he was making pretty good money and I was in graduate school so my financial situation was pretty bad — but I signed nonetheless because I understood he wanted to protect himself," she explains in the Reddit thread.


Well, fast-forward to now and u/Takingcrazypills000 makes three times more than her husband does. She recently treated herself to a new Audi and her husband seemed happy for her, but later confronted her about "how much the monthly payments were" because the Audi was "pretty new."


Even though she says they have never directly shared how much each other makes, she knows she makes at least three times more than him because when they first got together, she found out he made about $90,000. And she now makes $175 an hour, working 40+ hours a week.

This is when our boss queen told her husband that she had no monthly payments because she purchased the Audi in CASH.


"He was taken aback and asked with what money and I answered that I made more than enough money to be able to afford it. He didn’t talk after that and I thought that was that... However, after a few hours, he came back to me and told me that he thinks we should void the prenup..."


"This is where I might be the asshole: I laughed in his face and asked him why I would agree to that, and his answer was that we’re married and should share our financials," she says in the thread.


"I told him that we’ve been married for six years and yet we’ve never shared financials and I was fine with what we were doing. And his sudden change of heart was very suspicious. He called me a bunch of names and stormed out and didn’t come home."

Her husband then told his family about the fight and they ended up calling u/Takingcrazypills000 and berated her, saying that her husband supported her while she was in school (even though he didn't financially). She is now starting to wonder if she is an asshole for her reaction.


Now, we turn to the people of Reddit's opinions on the matter. First of all, most people feel strongly that her husband wanting to void the prenup now is a huge red flag.

"Not the asshole... Not gonna lie, you two don’t sound like partners. You sound like you’re against each other in life. Take this change of heart as the red flag that it is and consider how you want to proceed."


"My wife and I have always been open about our earnings because they're part of household finances. He can't demand separate finances and suddenly demand they be combined when he realizes she has more."


"He was happy to treat you like a gold digger until he wanted to become one himself."


And a lot of people also think that his involving his family in their private matters is another red flag.

"Aside from all of the secrets this couple seems to keep, at least financially, is no one at all concerned that the husband seems to think it's OK to involve his family in a private matter?"


"Take the fact that he has a tantrum and 'runs to mummy' as a red flag. How on Earth does he claim he was supporting her while she was at school when the prenup said he would never?"


"His going to his family in the first place is gross. I can't imagine having a disagreement with my husband and he goes and runs and tells his family. Let's add on top of that they have the nerve to call up OP and even get involved. This is not a man or a family I'd want to associate myself with at all... The whole lot dropped these 🚩🚩🚩."


In fact, most people feel like they are more like roommates than life partners and are urging her to immediately get out of the marriage.

"I was going to say they sound like friends with benefits, but honestly they don't even sound like friends. What kind of friend (let alone partner) never asks about your job and shows no interest when you say you're planning to buy a new car? 'Roommates who sometimes have sex' sounds like the closest equivalent."


"After six years of marriage, neither of you has any idea of the other's financial situation? Both seem very well off so maybe money is never a concern but what happens if you or he lost your jobs and couldn’t afford the lifestyle you’ve grown accustomed to? Sounds like a business relationship more than a marriage."


"Just get a divorce if the relationship is this toxic. The behaviors here are more appropriate for a toxic roommate or coworker you can't avoid, not a partner whom you're supposed to love."


In conclusion, there wasn't ONE commenter who said that she was the asshole!!! Do you feel the same or have other thoughts on this?! Tell us in the comments.