A Woman Made A Never-Ending List Of All The Reasons Why She Never Wants Kids And It's Become One Of The Biggest Viral Trends I've Seen To Date

Last year, TikTok user @yuniquethoughts caught the attention of over 11 million people when she shared her ongoing list of reasons why she never wants to have a baby:

Some of her cons for having "a child burst through your vagina" include tearing of the anus and deflated boobs:

  @yuniquethoughts / tiktok.com

Her list goes well past 100 (and she continues to add to it each time she sees a TikTok of a mom sharing a not-so-fun reality of parenting).

  @yuniquethoughts / tiktok.com

And her only pro is that you don't have a period for nine months... However, I will caveat that by sharing that some women still have bleeding and spotting throughout the duration of their pregnancy.

  @yuniquethoughts / tiktok.com

Since her first viral video about the list, she has shared more "daily reminders" to take your birth control by dueting videos where actual moms share their experiences having kids:

BuzzFeed has been unable to get in touch with @yuniquethoughts but we have been seeing women everywhere on TikTok making similar lists like @lifeofnina___:

The fact that your clit CAN (although rare) rip during childbirth warranted a list addition:

  @lifeofnina___ / tiktok.com

And her list includes other things like a uni hole or 4th-degree tear (which is an unfortunate situation where your vagina can rip to your butt hole, creating one big hole during childbirth).

  @lifeofnina___ / tiktok.com

All the reasons on each list are factual occurrences — although a lot of times rare — that can and have happened during or after childbirth, like a prolapsed uterus:


THANK YOU @Lynette Sheree your insight has made the list! ✨Anyone else who wants to add to the list, be sure to tag me in videos! #fyp #reasonsnottogetpregnant #pregnancyhorrors #pregnancylist

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It's a cycle of moms on TikTok sharing their behind-the-scenes experiences — and non-moms are adding allllll the frightening and/or not fun things to their lists:

Soooooo if anyone out there wants to make a mega list of all the reasons people SHOULD have babies, please do so because I think we need it after all of this!