Woman in Ireland Feeds Crow From Moving Taxi and It's Going Viral

One Irish woman got the surprise of a lifetime after having a day from 'literal hell,' and now the special moment is going viral online. Once you see it, you'll understand why!

20-year-old Cork, Ireland native @abbiecashman7 was finally in a taxi headed home after an hours-long struggle to find transportation. Luckily, the driver who was able to pick her up had the most interesting friend along for the ride: an adorable, friendly crow!

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OMG--we're so jealous! Feeding animals can be so much fun, but feeding a crow out of a moving car is especially unique. Not many people can say they've done that!

It's so impressive that Rory the driver befriended a wild crow, too. We suppose that's what snacks will do, especially on a regular basis, but it's our minds are blown that this wild bird returns to his car time after time. It's like they're work friends! Rory helps the bird out by giving him snacks, and the bird helps him by sealing the deal on those 5-star ratings. We wouldn't dare give this man and his friendly crow a bad review!

Abbie told Today that she first noticed the crow sitting atop the driver's car as she got in, but she didn't realize that the bird was also following as they drove until Rory pointed it out.

"As we were driving, (the driver) was like 'Oh, my friend's back there,' and I look out the window and this crow is flying beside me," she explained. And things only got better when she got to offer the bird a treat. Despite having a whole box of snacks for human passengers, though, the only thing they had to give the driver's crow friend was a digestive biscuit. Luckily, the crow seemed happy with the offering! Clearly, Abbie and all of her viewers were overcome with joy, too.

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