Woman Injured After A Cougar Attacked A Group Of Cyclists

A group of five cyclists out for a ride on Tokul Creek north of Snoqualmie, Washington were attacked by a juvenile cougar on Saturday the 17th leaving one woman injured. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife believes the six month old cougar attacked because it mistook them for prey.

Take a look at the report from NBC King 5 Seattle on the incident below.

Cougar attacks have been relatively uncommon in Washington state over the last 20 years so this one raised quite an alarm with Washington Fish and Wildlife. They shared some tips for averting a cougar attack if you are to encounter one while out recreating in the woods.

First, don't act like prey. Be large and look intimidating to the animal. That being said, don't approach it or try and run away from it, stand your ground, make noise and if you have a bike, hold it over your head.

After scaring off the animal it is a good idea to try and leave the area. No ride is worth an encounter with a cougar, so if that means packing it in for the day and going to ride somewhere else then that is what it is. Stay safe out there.

Related: Cougar Knocks Man Off Mountain Bike In Whistler

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