Woman Hosts Raccoon 'Drive-Thru' in Her Window and It's Going Viral

These critters know exactly where to go for a snack!

Befriending the local wildlife can be a rewarding challenge for any patient animal lover, but @wilburgraceandtheraccoon is taking it to the next level. She set up a 'raccoon drive-thru' in her kitchen window, and TikTok is loving it just as much as the raccoons. Just wait until you see what they're snacking on!

This whole endeavor first went viral shortly after the start of the new year, when just one of the raccoons stopped by for a 3-course meal. As you can imagine, the clip got a lot of attention for being so cute and creative!

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LMAO! We're so impressed that this woman trusts the animals enough to leave the window open for, but they've been respectful of her space so far!

"OMG the little paws," wrote @theresthatmacadamianut. "I love them." So do we! Raccoon hands look like they could grab nearly anything, and their fingers are so long! If we're being honest, though, the lil' paws are just one reason we think these animals are so adorable.

We have a feeling @mirababy206 would agree! She said, "I know a lot of people don’t like raccoons but look at them. They're so cute." Aren't they? From their expressive faces to their neverending curiosity, there's just so much to love. No wonder the drive-thru adventures continue!

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Would you believe that fruity cereal would win over lasagna? Garfield the cat would have a fit! These ring-tailed critters don't seem to care for it, though. In fact, they didn't even touch it!

"Lasagna no… Froot Loops yes… nom nom nom," wrote @ndirishmom. We guess so! @Peachcan90 was right when she said they went "straight for the sweet stuff," which is probably what we would do, too. Still, it's a bit surprising!

"LOL," said @green_eyed_cdn. "It’s the little hands like 'I’m going to taaaake this… and yes must try more,' LOL." Those little paws are always a hit--who knew?

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