Woman Hospitalized After Shark Attacks Her Face at South Australian Beach

Another person has suffered an alleged shark attack in Australia.

A 32-year-old woman is being treated for serious facial injuries after a shark attack at Port Noarlunga in South Australia on Friday, 7News reported.

According to 7News, "The woman was free diving with her partner out the back of the reef when a shark appeared and grabbed hold of her head."

7News Adelaide posted the story above today and captioned it:

"BREAKING: A beachgoer has been rushed to hospital after a suspected shark attack at Port Noarlunga. The woman has suffered facial injuries. The latest in 7NEWS Adelaide at 6 p.m."

7News said lifeguards rescued the victim by boat. She was treated in the boat and then brought back to the beach where she waited for an ambulance to take her to the hospital.

Reports said the beach was extremely crowded.

"Swimmers, including a group of children on a school excursion, fled the water as the woman was brought to shore, bleeding heavily," 7News said.

According to the report:

Paramedics said the woman’s facial injuries were life-threatening she was taken to Flinders Medical Centre for treatment.

Later, South Australia Police said the injuries were serious but not life-threatening.

At the end of October, a 55-year-old surfer named Tod Gendle was killed by a great white shark while surfing a crowded lineup in South Australia.

According to reports, the great white shark was around 13 feet long. Authorities spent days searching for the victim's body and never found it.


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