Woman Hides Obnoxiously Placed Utility Box With Useful Faux Coat Rack

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Ever been bitten by the ugly bug of a utility panel located in just the wrong place in your apartment? I sure have, and today, I'm thrilled to share a nifty renters’ solution to turn that blemish into a welcome addition to your home decor.

Say hello to a functional and attractive faux coat rack, courtesy of Dwayna (@waynaworld), an online interior stylist.

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Let's get real here. Unsightly utility panels are a common fixture in older apartments. They're like that guest at the party who hangs around even after the music stops and everyone else has left. You can't just get rid of them because they are, let's say, comfortable where they are. And besides, you're a renter, not the owner!

But here's the good part. With some creativity, a couple of household items, and your DIY grit, you can transform that ugly utility panel into something not just pretty but useful too. All it takes is:

  • Contact paper (wood grain, if you're going for a wooden coat rack illusion)

  • A hook rack (available in most home improvement or online stores - pick one that suits your style)

  • Scissors

  • Measuring tape

  • Strong adhesive (to hang the hook rack if drilling isn't an option)

Carefully apply the contact paper onto the utility panel, smoothing out any bubbles as you go along. Use the adhesive to stick your hook rack onto the "faux wood" panel. Make sure it's centered and leveled. Wait for the adhesive to dry according to its guidelines.

So you see, my fellow apartment dwellers, a utility panel doesn’t have to be an eyesore. With some practicality combined with creativity, we can enhance our living spaces no matter the challenges they throw at us. And especially so when those challenges themselves become delightful solutions.

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