Woman Hand Paints Washer To Give It a Vintage Vibe

As you may know, many people got stuck at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, which either led to cringeworthy family dance videos or home DIY projects.

Meet Rachel Verney, who decided to become a DIYer during the pandemic and completely renovated her home, including appliances. In this video, she shares exactly what she used to achieve the desired look. Let's get inspired!

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This minty-pistachio green is perfect and certainly better than a generic white. I didn't even know you could paint appliances, such as a washer and dryer. But I guess if you can paint a stainless-steel fridge, you could certainly paint everything else as well.

Related: Woman Paints Everything in Her House Black and It’s a Vibe

In case you were wondering, this is an easy DIY project, but the key to a successful application is the right paint.

First things first, though: you want to use a primer and a top coat, which Rachel said she didn't use here; however, to prevent any scratches, it is always recommended to use a primer first and a top coat last, so all your hard work isn't a waste.

Since the right paint matters, choosing the right primer is essential too. That being said, you want to make sure to use a metal primer.

Start by applying a thin, even coat of metal primer to the washer's surface, and allow the primer to dry completely according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Then you can move on to the paint.

Rachel used two different paints for her washer and dryer: Rustoleum All-Surface Paint and Valspar Direct to Wood & Metal for the second coat, as she slightly changed the color. She also mentioned in the comments section that she prepped the surface with sugar soap and water.

However, another great alternative is using chalk paint.

Then apply it with a small paint roller for a smooth application.

Last but not least, you want to seal it all with a top coat suitable for metal, as this will help the paint last longer and make it more durable.

That's it!

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