This Woman Found a Snake In Her Boyfriend’s Bed and the Video Is Terrifying

Photo credit: @clairekyles_/Instagram
Photo credit: @clairekyles_/Instagram

From House Beautiful

Apart from all of the wonderful home hacks on TikTok, there also happen to be a few home horror stories to remind you that things could, indeed, be worse. One TikToker posted a video of a black snake that she found in her boyfriend’s bed. No, this was not a pet snake just chilling. It was a home intruder snake...who was maybe looking for a quick nap?

TikToker @clairekyles_ had the pleasure of coming face to face with the snake in this scenario. The first video she shared in a series outlining the situation shows the snake wrapped up in the corner of the room. She shares a second video that will absolutely haunt you, in which the snake hisses at a shovel she points at it. After posting those two videos, she shared the backstory in three parts.

In the first part, she notes that Snakegate happened about three years ago when she was dating her now husband. At the time, he lived in a basement apartment. One day, they got back to his place, and he jumped into the shower. She decided it was time to take a nap, “because naps are life.” As she walked into his bedroom, she saw a black cord-like object in the bed. She briefly thought it could be a snake but knew it probably wasn’t. To be safe, though, she turned on the lights to check. And yup! It was a real live snake!

In the end, they trapped it in a bucket and released it in the backyard away from the house. “Whether he came back or not, I don’t know, because we moved,” she said in her third explainer video.

The moral of the story here: If you for a second think it looks like there is a snake in your bed, or anything you would not want to be there, turn on the lights and make sure it’s not!!

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