Woman Finding and Helping a Pregnant Stray Cat Is Warming Hearts

She found this cat at the right time.

When TikTok user @dabriellejoy found a beat-up, malnourished and pregnant cat in their neighborhood, they knew they needed to step in and help. Ugh, that’s so sweet, especially since there will be added responsibility to take care of this cat’s future kittens. They probably thought they would have a few days to prepare before this cat gave birth, but oh boy were they wrong.

This TikToker woke up in the middle of the night to this mama cat giving birth to babies. And well, the rest is history. Take a look at the clip that has brought in over 4 million views. It’ll truly warm your heart.

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Aww, we’re so glad this TikToker was there at the right time to help this mama cat. And now she never has to worry about living as a stray cat again. She has a forever home and a forever family that will love her with all their hearts.

“The fact that she gave birth on your bed. Mama felt safe with you,” wrote @vickyrosea. Right?! That’s when we started crying. She knew she could trust this TikToker. The creator updated everyone in the comments by saying, “I worked with a rescue to get Mama and all of her babies spayed and neutered. They were all adopted, and Mama was adopted by my best friend’s parents.” Aww! What a beautiful and happy ending!

Another TikTok user, @theresafishinhere, commented, “Thank you for helping her and her babies. Thank you for giving them a warm, loving, safe place to live.” A million, trillion thank yous to this TikToker. Who knows what would’ve happened if they didn’t step in to help this mama.

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