Woman faces backlash over ‘disgusting’ reaction to friend’s engagement

A woman's rude comment in response to her friend's engagement is driving them apart. She explained what happened on Reddit's "Am I the A******" forum. Her friend Jane hasn't always been lucky in love but has always wanted to get married. Their group of friends would joke about Jane's sordid love life. So when Jane finally got engaged, the Reddit poster cracked a joke about it, but it didn't go over well. "This weekend, we all went out to celebrate and all our friends were saying how we're so happy for her after a long and difficult road, and it was really emotional," she explained. "For context, I'm still single, no boyfriend, and I want to get married too, and so I said, 'I can't believe JANE will get married before me!'". Jane started crying, stormed out and later said that the Reddit poster didn't have to point out that she was so unlovable . "I apologized but also suggested she should talk to her therapist about that reaction, and now she completely refuses to speak to me and won't answer my messages" . Reddit users thought the poster was being insensitive. "What a horrid thing to have said," a user commented