Woman Designed Entire Bedroom With a Sharpie and a Vision

When you have a vision in mind for a home renovation project, where do you start? Do you work in a sketchbook, model it out on a computer, or do you just wing it? Drawing it the way you see it in your mind's eye is a great place to start. Either way, putting together a design you like for your home is pretty difficult. First, you have to envision it, then you have to bring it to life. That's why it's all the more impressive that one talented artist was able to conceptualize everything she wanted in her bedroom using just a single Sharpie. And we're not talking a simple doodle. She really did the whole thing with permanent marker, and it came out looking absolutely fabulous!

Instagrammer @kelseymontagueart took to the platform to share her latest project, of which she boasted: "I didn't even need a tape measure." In her clip, she started with a somewhat bare outline of her bedroom, with everything painted white, including her doors.

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She had already added a quick outline of doors with windowpanes, a bookshelf filled with books, additional shelves along the ceiling, and some cute flourishes above the doors. It looked like it had come straight out of a coloring book, only somehow more detailed!

While she hadn't yet acted on the impeccable design, it was easy to see how Kelsey could simply just slide in a bookcase, decorations, and plants into the space. Or for some more avant-garde homeowners, how they could just leave the drawings up and call it a day!

Either way, this is some extremely impressive work that's definitely going to leave an impression on you. Sharpies are forever on some materials, don't forget that!

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