Woman defended after ‘stealing’ her co-worker’s dream honeymoon location

At what point does doing something after someone else expresses interest in it count as stealing?

In a recent Reddit post shared to the popular “Am I The A**hole?” subreddit, one woman explained that her co-worker thought she “stole” her dream honeymoon and wasn’t sure whether or not to apologise.

The poster explained that her co-worker was constantly talking about her wedding. “She’s the quintessential typical bride-to-be: she has her wedding planned to the smallest detail and talks about it all the time. She’s the type to share mood boards and swatches with us during lunch,” the Reddit post began.

Talking about the wedding didn’t end up bothering her until her co-worker started talking about her honeymoon destination.

“It’s a cute seaside city, and honestly, I thought it sounded great! I shared it with my husband, and we decided that we’d love to take a vacation like that too!” she explained.

Once the time for her vacation actually arrived, they visited a similar city, but not the exact same one that her co-worker brought up. The Reddit poster ended up telling her co-workers all about their trip and showing pictures, but she said her engaged co-worker seemed “icy.”

“I finally found out it was because she thought I stole her idea for a vacation. She said that since I’ve gone on a similar vacation, I’ve stolen the magic of coming back to talk to our co-workers about it,” she explained in the Reddit post.

Despite the city being different, the vacation still seemed to bother her co-worker. “Even though it’s a different place, she says it was similar enough and that it was kind of sh***y for me to take the attention when she’s been planning on her trip for a long time,” she explained.

The post continued: “I personally don’t feel like I did anything wrong since we went to a different city and did different activities than what my co-worker talked about (she likes sporty things like hiking, whereas I visited museums and dined out more). But she’s so upset she’s talking about changing the destination of her honeymoon entirely, so I feel like I’m missing something.”

She asked the commenters whether or not it was worth it to apologise to her co-worker, and a majority of the comments said she should not.

“This is ridiculous, she’s got ridiculous expectations of how long and to what extent things are supposed to be all about her exclusively. Work isn’t the wedding venue, she cannot demand that everyone else make sure she’s the centre of attention outside the actual wedding itself,” one comment began.

“Idk if she’s been spoiled her whole life or if getting married is the only time she’s felt special but either way she needs to be so f***ing for real right now about how much she thinks she gets to have a say in, here. If she wanted it to be exclusive and special she should have kept vague about it.”

Another commenter agreed, writing, “A seaside city is a tourist attraction so that means tons of people do the same trip as her every day, so because she knows you she’s offended. Her pictures are going to be different and she will most likely do different things. She should have plenty of stuff to share with her co-workers when she gets back. Her honeymoon is supposed to be about her and her new SO, not about what her co-workers think about it.”

“It seems to me that your co-worker loves being the centre of attention all the time. Unless the country is owned by her, she can’t get mad because you travelled there,” a third commenter wrote.