Woman’s childhood closet is an early 2000s time capsule: ‘You were THAT girl’

The 2000s may be back in some clothing styles, but Stephanie Swaim (@swaiminwonderland), an L.A.-based senior digital producer for Access Hollywood, is showing her TikTok followers what authentic 2008 life was really about.

In a series of TikTok videos reminiscent of others who have shown off their childhood bedroom “time capsules,” Swaim displays all of the relics of her 2000s life, apparently perfectly preserved in her childhood home where time has stood still since 2008.

For Gen Zers who get all their celebrity news and gossip from their phones, Swaim portrayed a time when teens actually read physical glossy magazines and (gasp) even pulled pages out to post on their walls.

Swaim’s video showing off her 2008 purse collection was popular among followers.

Donning a fur-lined hoodie, Swaim went through her bag collection, which included a Coach handbag (with matching shoes) that she thinks was “actually a diaper bag” but was still “obsessed with” and of course, the sparkly sequined catch-all bag that any respectable teen girl carried — and is now “allegedly” making a comeback.

“The Depop girlies would go wild,” TikTok user @aimeeg99 commented, referencing the thrifters who sell vintage/retro clothing on Depop.

While Swaim’s bedroom tours may have captured the 2000s pretty poignantly, some commenters pointed out that her vibe appears to have also come courtesy of a lot of parental cash.

“This was the east coast rich girl aesthetic,” commented @joy6371.

“I can tell you were the girl I wanted to be in high school,” added pineappleprincess.

“You were THAT girl,” @dani.johansen summed up.

But regardless of how achievable the styles Swaim showed off were for the 2000 masses, her followers seemed to appreciate the trip down memory lane.

“Thank you for taking me back I swear 2000 to 2008 was the best years,” wrote Zim.

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