Woman captures ‘most awkward’ New Year’s Eve proposal in viral TikTok: ‘Everyone was so shocked’

The perfect proposal is all about perfect timing, but it looks like this viral New Year’s Eve proposal came at the wrong time.

TikToker @caesthetically couldn’t believe the awkward scene at a New Year’s Eve party in Hawaii. She thought she was witnessing a live proposal fail in the making — but the real outcome wasn’t any less shocking.

“OMG they stopped the entire NYE party for this guy to propose and the girl was NOT HAVING IT,” the video text read.

The outdoor party came to a halt for the announcement, but the woman receiving the proposal seemed reluctant to go on stage. Her boyfriend got down on one knee and popped the question.

Then came a long awkward pause. He told her it was a “simple yes or no.” Finally, the woman said yes.

“I fully thought she was gonna say no,” the video text read. “Everyone was so shocked.”

After the couple got off stage, they “immediately started fighting.” In the end, the TikToker called it the “most awkward thing I’ve ever witnessed.”

“SEE. This is why I told my fiancé how I wanted my proposal to be. Private, in public, or in front of family. These are important questions to ask,” a person commented.

“She probably wanted something romantic and sweet and he did it at a party drunk,” a TikToker replied.

“I am pretty sure she just said yes not to embarrass him…this was painful to watch I feel bad for him,” another wrote.

“I feel like this was more for him than her,” a user said.

“If someone did that to me I’d move countries,” someone added.

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