Woman Builds '1-Hour' Shelf and It's the Quickest DIY Project for Shelving Units

If you think IKEA furniture is easy to assemble, including the shelving units it offers, I have something even easier in store for you that takes approximately an hour and is customizable.

DIYer Christina here shares in her video, posted on September 12, exactly how she built this shelving unit, which she calls "1-hour shelf," and it's easier than you might think. Let's take a look!

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This looks easy enough, even for beginners like myself.

Christina, who is a skilled DIY enthusiast when it comes to home DIY projects, always has a plan in mind. As you can see in the video, she decided to create a custom shelving unit to use as storage.

First, she measured the wall space where she intended to install the shelves and decided on the dimensions for the plywood shelves and 2x4 supports.

She had the plywood cut to size at the store, such as Home Depot, which is free and helpful if you don't own a circular saw, and then she attached the first set of 2x4s to the studs at the height of the shelves. To make sure they were perfectly horizontal, she used a level and secured them in place using wood screws.

Then Christina used additional 2x4s and attached them directly over the first set of 2x4s. This creates a sturdy frame for her shelving unit.

With the frame in place, Christina cut the 2x4s for the vertical legs, ensuring they were the right height for her shelving unit. She attached these legs to the outer corners of the frame, providing additional support and stability.

Before she continued the process, she had help from her partner to hold the outside of the shelves so she could remove the screws holding the horizontal 2x4s together. This allowed her to pull it out and then install cross braces between the vertical legs, securing them with wood screws.

After completing the frame, Christina carefully laid the pre-cut plywood sheets on top and secured them to the frame using wood screws along the edges and in the middle.

That's it!

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