Woman accuses man of touching her during workout

A woman is putting a stranger on blast after she recorded the moment he allegedly touched her without consent while she was working out. 22-year-old TikTok user @fernvillaceran, who goes by Fern, was filming a video of a workout for TikTok when her camera caught an unexpected interaction as well. Toward the end of the TikTok, which has since accumulated almost 4 million views, a man walks into the camera view and up behind Fern and appears to touch her inappropriately. This video comes alongside a slew of other TikToks exposing men for being "creepy" . "Please idk what to do," she said. "[He's] always doing this." Then, Fern hashtagged #gymstaff, implying that she thinks the man in the video actually works at the gym. "Please idk what to do," she said. "[He's] always doing this." Then, Fern hashtagged #gymstaff, implying that she thinks the man in the video actually works at the gym. "This isn't OK," one commenter wrote. According to a survey from BarBend.com, a popular fitness outlet, 75% of women interviewed said they had been heckled or catcalled while working out in public. Three out of five women interviewed also added that they have changed gyms or workout schedules to avoid harassment