Wolf Pups Learning How to Jump Are the Definition of Adorable

Wolf pups who live with their litter mates learn how to be wolves from their moms and dads. They learn how to pounce on prey, how to hunt, and how to run through the forest, jumping over fallen branches and logs along the way.

But what happens when these wolf pups are abandoned and they don't have mom and dad to show them the way? They rely on rescuers for help. Check out the TikTok account for @Sallyjo40 showing a man trying to teach these adorable wolf pups how to jump.

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Oh my goodness they are just so amazingly cute. We love how they just can't make it over the wood! So precious. TikTok users agree and @Jennifer says, "The black was like "oh, we're not suppose to go over that wood. ok, I'll fall too." LOL, yes, he started a domino effect! @Nlc adds, "I just know they’re probably so soft and cuddly." @Bethany adds, "The black wolf felt bad so it fell backwards to make the gray wolf feel better." @Meant responds, "Zero survival instincts but SO CUTE." @Ror replies, "I love how clumsy pups are."

They are just ridiculously sweet. If you can't get enough of this sweetness, here's another video of these wolf pups in action, doing what they do best. Being adorable!

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Just a mess of precious wolf pups living their best life playing with a plastic garbage can, what could be better?

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