Wolf Moon Meaning 2024: The Spiritual Significance of January’s Full Moon

Every full moon contains its own spiritual significance and energetic resonance. If you’re curious about the meaning of January’s Wolf Moon, you’ve come to the right place. There’s always been a symbolic connection between the wolf and the full moon. And whenever you gaze up at a full moon, I bet there’s always a part of you that imagines the sound of wolves howling.

Before we had the 365-day Gregorian calendar, our ancestors would use each full moon to mark the passage of time. Taking place roughly once a month, each full moon was given its own name, and the significance behind each name has always been tied to the evolving natural phenomena present at the time of its occurrence. According to Farmer’s Almanac, the name of the Wolf Moon—which always takes place in January—originates from Celtic and Old English roots. And it is during the cold and wintry month of January that you can begin to hear the cacophony of wolves howling their eerie and undeniably beautiful call. That’s just one reason why January’s full moon is such a raw, ancient, and primal force.

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The fact that this upcoming full moon—which is scheduled to take place on January 25 at 12:54 p.m. ET—is known as the “Wolf Moon” isn’t the only reason it denotes so much power. After all, this full moon also takes place in Leo, coloring its impact with the energy of this fixed fire sign. Leo is the zodiac sign of creativity, passion, romance, and a power so fierce that it can leave you feeling burned if you get too close. Let’s not forget Leo is ruled by the sun, which sits directly opposite from the moon whenever this lunar phase takes place.

If you’re interested in harnessing the full extent of this full moon, take advantage of these spiritual affirmations for each zodiac sign. All you have to do is repeat these affirmations to yourself as many times as you see fit, believing in their strength and envisioning them taking hold of your life. If you want to incorporate the element of “fire” in your prayers, make sure you light a candle before speaking these affirmations into existence.

Wolf Moon Meaning 2024: Affirmations For Each Zodiac Sign

Here are spiritual affirmations and prayers to keep in mind during the Wolf Moon in Leo of January 2024, according to your sun sign, moon sign, or rising sign:


I give myself permission to express myself freely and without inhibition. I was born to color outside of the lines and enjoy the process of creation.


I am right where I belong. My ancestral roots, childhood memories, and homemade pleasures support me and protect me through thick and thin.


I have beautiful things to say and everyone is eager to listen. I fearlessly exchange ideas with others in a way that inspires me and quenches my curiosity.


I have all the financial abundance I need. I am compensated fairly for my work, smart with my money, and I am worthy of material pleasures that make me happy.


I am becoming more powerful with each passing day. I am brave enough to express true identity with authenticity and the Universe rewards me for it every time.



I forgive myself for everything that I cannot change. I release myself from the guilt and resentment that no longer holds power over me.


I am currently living a life that aligns with my hopes and dreams. I am bringing my community together to create positive change that benefits all.


I am at the top of my field and making waves in my career. The world recognizes me as a powerhouse, a leader, and a visionary in my industry.


I am open to beautiful and eye-opening experiences. I welcome knowledge and adventure with open arms, even if it arrives in an unexpected from.


I understand that when something ends, something new begins. I am shedding my skin and giving myself space to transform into something stronger.


I am involved in relationships that elevate me, fulfill me, inspire me, and support me. I let go of relationships that shall no longer weigh me down.



I am a passionate and efficient worker. I put effort into practices that matter, giving myself the chance to improve every single time I commit to my routine.

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