Woah: Snowboarder Copies Skateboarder

Snowboarding mimics skateboarding, skateboarding mimics surfing, and now Fabi Fraidl is mimicking... well, all of them combined!

In this mind-blowing clip, Fabi fearlessly unstraps his board, defying the laws of gravity and common sense. But wait, there's more! As he glides along the rail, he pulls off a switch backside 5050 shuvit, proving that snowboarding can not only imitate, but also innovate!

Move over, traditional snowboarding tricks, because Fabi just threw you off the mountain! He's taking snowboarding into uncharted territory, leaving us all wondering what on earth will be mimicked next. Maybe he'll do a half-pipe trick on a unicycle or a tail grab while juggling flaming torches. The possibilities are endless!

So, let's give Fabi Fraidl a standing ovation for his audacious display of mimicry madness. He's like the Picasso of snowboarding, painting a masterpiece of imitation on the slopes. And hey, who knows, maybe one day snowboarding will mimic Fabi himself. Talk about coming full circle!

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