WKND Skateboards just dropped another full length video this year

Productive with high production! Really impressive what WKND has been able to do thus far in 2023. Just two months after JIT, we heard Grant Yansura and the gang were premiering yet another full length video. Well, here it is. Rumble Pack features newer Euro team riders Sarah Meurle and Filip Almqvist alongside veteran pro Tom K (with one of his best parts yet), and of course all kinds of cameos from fellow teamriders, legends, and those skits.

After melting in the California sun, Sarah Meurle kicks this thing off with a ripping part. Tom K's intro is amazing and worth some rewatches. The amount of legendary cameos if impressive. And that contraption straight out of an OK Go video is one hell of an undertaking. If you're not familiar with Filip Almqvist, he swings for the fences with the last part here after trekking across all of North America to get to the WKND warehouse.

Job well done once again. These dudes are constantly cranking out quality videos. Music right be damned!

Related: WKND Skateboard's "JIT" Full Length Video

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