How to Wish a 'Happy Passover' to Those Who Celebrate

While many Christians know of Passover through the story of Moses and the blood of the lamb, the story from the Jewish perspective carries a different meaning. In Jewish tradition, the story of Passover (Pesach) takes place in the Book of Exodus in the Torah. It depicts the Hebrews’ liberation from Egyptian enslavement and the “passing over” of firstborn Israelites who were spared from the plague. This tale underscores themes of freedom, justice, and resilience — all pillars of the Jewish faith.

This pivotal story in Jewish history is commemorated every spring on the 15th day of the Hebrew month Nisan, which changes annually. In 2024, Passover will begin on April 22 and end on April 30. It is an eight-day holiday often celebrated with matzo, flourless dessert recipes, a seder plate, and other Passover traditions.

To celebrate this religious occasion and wish your Jewish friends well during the eight days of Passover, send them one of these common, proper, or traditional happy Passover greetings, with sayings and phrases in English, Hebrew, and Yiddish.

happy passover greetings happy passover
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What is the proper Passover greeting?

Whether you're attending a seder for the first time or you want to greet a Jewish friend or colleague appropriately, knowing the proper terminology will definitely be appreciated. As with any religion, greetings vary from holiday to holiday and not all of them are considered "happy." In the Jewish faith, somber holidays include Tisha B'Av and Yom Kippur. The English, Hebrew, or Yiddish Passover greeting you choose may depend on the level of observance of the person you're wishing well. Here are some of the most common Passover greetings by language.

  • Happy Pesach!

  • Happy Passover!

  • Chag Pesach sameach! (Hebrew)

  • Happy Passover holiday!

  • Chag Pesach kasher vesame'ach. (Hebrew)

  • Wishing you a kosher and joyous Passover.

  • Zissen Pesach. (Yiddish)

  • Have a sweet Passover!

  • Gut yom tov! (Yiddish)

  • Wishing you a peaceful Passover.

Do you say Happy Passover?

First of all, yes, you can — and should — wish someone a happy Passover during the holiday. If you're most comfortable sticking to English, "Happy Passover" is perfectly acceptable, and your Jewish friends and loved ones will appreciate the sentiment.

For those who keep their home kosher for Passover (removing all leavened grains, known as chametz ahead of the holiday), you can wish them a "kosher and joyous Passover."

happy passover greetings chag pesach kasher vesameach
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How to say Happy Passover in Hebrew

If you're a beginner who wants to try your hand at saying Happy Passover in Hebrew, you can start by saying "Happy Pesach," which is the Hebrew word for Passover. This is pronounced PEH-sach, with emphasis on the "ch" (like in the name Bach).

Another option is to say "chag sameach," which is not specific to Passover but is the Hebrew equivalent of saying "happy holidays." To make the phrase Passover specific, you just add "Pesach." So, "chag Pesach sameach." To wish someone a kosher and joyous Passover in Hebrew, it would be "chag Pesach kasher vesame'ach." This is pronounced as follows: CHAG PEH-sach kah-SHER ve-sah-MAY-ach, according to Chabad.

More Passover 2024 greetings

An alternative phrase to use before the holiday begins is to wish someone a zissen Pesach, or a sweet Passover.

You may also hear "gut yom tov," which has the oddly redundant literal English translation of "good good day." This is another holiday greeting that is not Passover-specific and works for other Jewish holidays.

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