I wish the latest traumatic Will Smith spaghetti video was AI

 Will Smith recreating AI spaghetti meme.
Will Smith recreating AI spaghetti meme.

Last year an AI-generated video compilation of Will Smith shovelling spaghetti into his mouth went viral, marking the disturbing potential of artificial intelligence. Now with the recent release of the astoundingly realistic Sora AI, Smith is hopping on the bandwagon to poke some fun at the latest advancement in generative video content.

While AI art generators have been around for some time now, Sora's groundbreaking visuals are certainly a rapid improvement compared to last year's creations. You'd be excused to think that the new and refined clips of Smith's spaghetti feast could only be the work of AI, but I regret to inform you that they are very real.

The original traumatic spaghetti videos were created using the AI Modelscope and were so terrifyingly bad that they became a viral meme. Smith's latest TikTok parodies the countless viral videos comparing AI's improvements in the last year. It begins with a showcase of the original clips under the caption "AI video 1 year ago", before switching to a hyperrealistic Smith eating platefuls of stringy pasta, captioned "AI now" – one can only dream that the traumatic video is a work of fiction.

Alas, while Sora AI is certainly advanced, I don't believe it's capable of creating such realistic and disturbing visual content, however, some fans were fooled. "This looks so real I'm scared" one fearful TikTok user commented. " I got so scared thinking this is actually AI SORA" another more sceptical user wrote.

Silliness aside, if you're after some genuine mind-blowing AI comparisons, take a look at how AI has improved in just one year. With artificial intelligence a hot topic on the minds of creatives, check out what VFX artists think of the new Sora AI.