Brides And Grooms Are Sharing The Biggest Lesson They Learned After Planning Their Wedding, And These Are Valuable

Getting married means having a lot going on in a short period of time, especially if you're planning it all on your own.

wedding planning scene from "Father of the Bride"
wedding planning scene from "Father of the Bride"

Touchstone Pictures / Via

We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community about their wedding planning tips and here's the knowledge they shared.

1."Make the wedding yours. Add something special for you and your spouse."

Harry Potter wedding details

2."You are planning a marriage, not a wedding. The day will pass; bits of it will be good, bits of it might not be. Regardless, in the end, you're married and spending the rest of your life together."

couple holding hands on their wedding day
Jovanat / Getty Images

3."Write your own vows to each other. Make them fun and goofy — make them unique. It makes the wedding so much more memorable."

bride reading vows from booklet

4."You don't have to have bridesmaids if you don't want to. If you think it's going to stress you out more, be too expensive, just don't have them."

bride dancing with friends

5."Don't let perfect be the enemy of the good. Yes, you want your perfect day, perfect flowers, tables, weather, dress, the whole works. But don't tie yourself up in knots about things being 'perfect' on the day."

Bride looking out the window while holding her bouquet

6."Before you walk down the aisle, take a few moments for yourself to take everything in. Don’t just rush towards your spot then walk down the aisle."

look down the aisle

7."There are a lot of tasks that need to be completed the day before and the day of the wedding. Delegate those tasks to someone specific, and give willing people jobs to do."

bridesmaids toasting

8."The seating chart is going to feel incredibly overwhelming. But (and this goes for all parts of your wedding) there are really only a handful of people who truly care."

seating card display

9."Use something to keep track of expenses — Excel, Google sheets, whatever because it’s easy to lose track. Also, give yourself a cushion because there will be last-minute unexpected expenses (mine was travel fee for the MUA)."

wedding rings sitting on pile of assorted United States bills

10."Do NOT, I repeat, absolutely DO NOT let someone else take over your invite list."

couple looking over guest list in a notebook

11."Get relationship couples therapy while planning the wedding to help get all the negatives in the open and ensure that your partner is the right person to marry."

couple talking with a counselor

"Better find out now and save on an expensive wedding and divorce then when you're married."


Azmanl / Getty Images

12."If you want people to enjoy your wedding reception — which you should, that should actually be the primary goal of any party you throw — worry WAY less about the aesthetics and way more about having more than enough good booze and good food."

A couple dancing at their wedding
Westend61 / Getty Images/Westend61

13."Get married before your wedding day. Get used to being married."

bride and groom standing side by side

14."Take time to have a honeymoon! Even if money is tight, take a few days off work to just be blissfully in love with your new spouse before you go back to reality."

couple lounging with drinks on vacation

15."Designate a larger part of your budget for the photographer. Everything else is only enjoyed on the actual wedding day, and over time your memories of the details will become fuzzy."

couple looking at photos with their wedding photographer

16."We were pressured to have a bigger wedding (still under 100 people) because of our parents. But I wish we would have eloped and had a ceremony just for us."

couple on their wedding day

17."Elope. Seriously, you won't regret it but you'll regret planning a wedding (and the cost of it)."

couple reading each other vows on the beach
Tash Jones - Love Luella Photogr / Getty Images

Do you have any other wedding planning tips you have to share? Give it all up in the comments.