Wisconsin Ski Area Refuses To Give Up On Winter

Despite a challenging ski season across the Midwest, Trollhaugen Ski Area, Wisconsin—commonly called "Troll" by locals—isn't backing down.

Today, the resort shared that it had produced more snow thanks to its mountain operations team.

Troll noted in another Facebook post that its team continues to blow snow today, taking advantage of the quick temperature dip. The resort's ability to act fast was essential: in Dresser, Wisconsin—where Troll is located—it could hit 60 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.

"We want to make sure we get to enjoy spring on the slopes with you on the quality conditions you deserve," Troll wrote on Facebook.

It's a commendable effort from the resort. In an article published earlier this month, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel explained that Wisconsin could experience its warmest winter on record this ski season.

Troll and its fans appear unfazed, though. Two skiers—chatting in the comments section of a Troll Facebook post—talked about how there was "still" some skiing "left to do" as they made plans to catch slushy turns at the Wisconsin resort this weekend.

Adding to the stoke is Troll's March-long buddy pass deal. Every day the resort is open next month, Season Pass Holders can hook their friends up with $35 lift tickets.

Related: Snowboarder Attempts To Ride Alta Ski Area

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