Wisconsin Ski Area Names Trail After Lifelong Employee

When you work for a large corporation, you're a number. When you work for a ski resort, you're a name... and a trail, if your name is Rose and you work at Trollhaugen Ski Area in Wisconsin.

Officials at the resort announced to Instagram a day ago that "we had the honor of celebrating one of our new runs with a surprise gathering for the namesake herself."

"Helgen Rose (aka Saint Rose) is named for none other than Rose Lundell, the heartbeat of the Ticket Office, and a 37 year veteran Trollhaugen employee."

"She is a true gem of a human, and undeniably deserving of her own trail at the ‘Haug. Three cheers to Helgen Rose (with a glass of wine of course)!!!"

The resort let everyone know that they should "Feel free to comment with a message for Rose that we will pass along to her."

The overarching theme was that this trail-naming was well deserved, as the community appears to really appreciate Rose's hard work at the resort.

Some of the comments were especially heartwarming, such as one from a skier named Lauren, who wrote, "Rose is one of the kindest, loving and hardworking employees. Trollhaugen would not be the same without her positive personality in the ticket office! The skiing and racing community is lucky to have her at Trollhaugen!"

This wonderful gesture makes me think about other runs named after people.

Lindsey's in Vail comes to mind, named after Lindsey Vonn, of course!

Al's Run at Taos, New Mexico, named for Al Rosen, the famous Taos surgeon "politically instrumental in getting the Ski Valley off the ground. He skied with an oxygen mask and tank for twenty years until his death in 1982."

Dr. Doug at Blue Mountain in Ontario, Canada. Dr. Doug formed the Canadian Ski Patrol! "In 1940, he was asked by the Canadian Amateur Ski Association to organize and train a first aid and rescue group to patrol the ski hills"... aka Ski Patrol!

Palisades Tahoe has tons of naming history, including Shirley Canyon and Scott Peak.

And I would be remiss not to mention McConkey's!

The legends of the past shape the legends of today, and for the rest of us, well, if you ski, it's your history as much as anyone's--and ski history is especially rad!

Related: Lindsey Vonn Visits Eponymous Trail On First Day Of Season

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