Wisconsin Ski Area Hosting Rail Jam On Preserved Snow

Trollhaugen, a Wisconsin ski area, is hosting a rail jam on preserved snow this October 8th.

The jam is open invitation, allowing anyone to sign up and compete for prizes and bragging rights, although Troll recommends that only intermediate and expert freestyle skiers apply.

Rail jams are a simple competition format. Riders are given a specific time window -- in this case, 45 minutes -- wherein they can attempt as many tricks as they want on the provided rail features. Whoever's skiing or riding stands out will earn prizes and bragging rights.

The event runs from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM on Sunday, October 8th, with four jam time slots. Spectators are encouraged.

To prepare for this annual rail jam, Trollhaugen preserved a pile of snow under a tarp from last season -- it doesn't typically snow much at Troll in early October, meaning they need to hoard snow in advance to get the jam off.

Here's a recap of the event from 2016.

If you're a park skier, you likely already know the name Trollhaugen. Over the years, the ski area has developed a reputation as a Midwest freestyle skiing mecca, where aspiring park skiers hone their talents before making the journey West to pursue dreams of going pro.

Although Troll isn't just a launchpad for the classic skier's western exodus -- plenty of freestylers opt to stay close to their midwestern roots. The resort has its own magic and charm, proving that ski areas, provided they draw the right crowd, can always be more than the sum of their parts.

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