Wisconsin Ski Area Closes For The Season

Devil's Head Resort in Wisconsin announced some sad news to Facebook yesterday.

The resort just three hours away from Chicago wrote, "we regret to inform you that we will be closing for the 2023/24 season. To say this year was a rollercoaster would be an understatement."

"Despite our best efforts, conditions are no longer suitable for safe skiing."

Devil's Head is a full-service ski resort in the heart of the glacier-formed, Baraboo Bluffs in South Central Wisconsin.

The Wisconsin State Journal recently released an article on Wisconsin's "lost winter," addressing the warm temperatures and Sky News reported that Aidan Kuroski, a National Weather Service meteorologist, said at least one Wisconsin city has tied its record temperature swing this winter.

In just 24 hours, Wisconsin saw temperatures swing by more than 30C, ending a balmy Tuesday with near-deep freeze conditions.

The freeze-thaw snow and unusually warm temperatures contributed to the resort's troubling season.

Ultimately, officials at Devil's Head expressed gratitude to everyone who skied and rode their terrain this season.

"We want to thank everyone from our loyal pass holders to first timers for rocking with us this season. We appreciate your understanding and support during this challenging time. Stay tuned for updates and exciting plans for the next winter season!"

Devils Head Resort Stats/Info:

Vertical: 500 ft.

Skiable Terrain: 260 ac.

Average Snowfall: 45 in.

Lifts: 9

Trails: 30

Snowmaking: YES

Night Skiing: YES

Stats courtesy of Devils Head Resort.

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