Winter Park's New Snow Stake Is Beautiful

Winter Park Resort, Colorado, officially has one of the snazziest snow stakes in the game.

The Resort showed off the recently updated snow stake in a post shared on Instagram late last week.

After a somewhat slow start to the season, Winter Park Resort has made strides toward reaching total operating capacity amidst several snowy resets. The Resort has 13 lifts and 61 trails open—not bad for early December during an El Niño.

As for the snow stake—it emerged from a partnership between Winter Park and NativesOutdoors, a brand dedicated to empowering "Indigenous communities through our products and storytelling for a sustainable world."

The partnership, in totality, covered multiple indigenous-designed installations at Winter Park and was called There Is Snow On The Ground, which translates to heniiniini', an Arapaho phrase.

Artists Jordan Craig and Vernan Kee built the snow stake alongside a metal sign emblazoned with the phrase heniiniini'.

In a website tab, Winter Park explained the background of There Is Snow On The Ground: "Four years ago, we began a partnership with Indigenous artists and NativesOutdoors to elevate this story and explore the connections between people, place, and snow.

To learn more about There Is Snow On The Ground, click here.

Related: Colorado Resort Installs Snowstake Designed By Indigenous Artists

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