Winter Park (Sadly) Announces Closing Day

Say it ain't so! Winter Park Resort, Colorado has just made the announcement that skiers across the Centennial State have been dreading.

The resort's last day of the skiing and snowboarding season will be Monday, May 29th, 2023 (Memorial Day). Check out the social media announcement below:

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"The time has come: our last day of skiing and riding is Monday, May 29! Come grab your last runs of the season, celebrate a truly memorable winter, and help us send off Mary Jane in style all 3-day weekend long! ⛷️Bonus: Join us on Saturday for a DJ on the Club Car deck, drink specials, and exclusive giveaways. See you for one final weekend on the slopes ‘til next season! 🙌"

Winter Park made the commitment to stay open ALAP (As Late As Possible), and it seems like they've done just that.

The resort kicked off the season with their earliest opening in history on October 31st, 2022, and is closing on May 29th. That's 210 days of skiing and riding this season!!!

Congrats to everybody at Winter Park that made this season happen. I hope all of you are able to get out there one more time for turns in the spring sunshine!

Winter Park will finish the season with 397 inches of snowfall. That's 115% of their annual average. Not too shabby.

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