Winnie Harlow Has the Easiest Trick For Nixing Redness On Her Skin

New York Fashion Week just ended but we’re still checking out street style and backstage beauty because there’s just so much good stuff to go through. That’s how we almost missed Winnie Harlow’s Vogue video, in which she reveals a Visine trick that removes the redness from her skin. Many of us deal with redness, some people (like those with rosacea) struggle more than others. But for Harlow, it can be especially tricky because of her vitiligo.

“They make your eyes really white but they don’t burn like a lot of eyedrops tend to do,” Harlow says while placing Visine drops into the sides of her eyes. “Sometimes too what I like to do is use Visine eye drops on the white parts of my skin to...

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