What Are You Willing to Sacrifice for 30-Second Tropical Tubes?

Last week we published a 7-minute portrait of perfect Desert point.

In it, we wrote: "The reality is the accommodation at Deserts is, well, rustic at best. And that's being generous. The best homestays offer a fan, power and a view, while the most budget versions offer a mat on the floor and a pit toilet in a windowless room."

For Nick Blottnitz, a full-time Bali resident and Drifter Surf ambassador, it's obvious the sleepless nights are worth the dreamy days. Having put in the hard yards at Desert Point over the years, he's one of the dudes that's built up enough clout to catch a set in the snake pit that is the Deserts takeoff zone.

In fact, Blottnitz gets more than his fair share of waves. The first clip featured 7-minutes of A clips, and this second part adds on 5-more minutes of highlights, all from a single season.

Watching this, it's hard not to envy the endless tubes Blottnitz threads.

"Is there such a thing as too many tubes for one human?," asks Drifter in the description alongside this film. "Is it possible to rack up so much time in the barrel that the human mind can't take it anymore?

"In the second installment of Desert Hound, Drifter Surf ambassador Nick Blottnitz puts our questions to the test. Despite calling Bali home for many years now, Nick still froths as if it was his first trip to the tropics. There's a good chance when you get to the parking lot for a morning session, Nick is going out for his second.

"When it comes to Desert Point, his excitement only grows. After putting in countless hours at the famed left-hander, Nick handed over so much footage to us that we had to break the edit into two parts. And now we're stoked to share Desert Hound Pt 2. Five more minutes of pure Desert Point perfection for your viewing pleasure, enjoy."


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