The Wild Story Behind Meryl Streep’s Fake Teeth in ‘Big Little Lies’ Season 2

Photo credit: HBO
Photo credit: HBO

From Cosmopolitan

Meryl Streep is a certified GOAT, a total boss, if you will. Can you imagine her asking her actual bosses for permission to do literally anything she wants for a role? TBH, I can’t even picture her asking for a part to begin with. I imagine Meryl just shows up at production studios and tells the room she’s planning on participating.

So it’s no surprise that the decision to wear fake teeth in HBO’s Big Little Lies season 2 was one hundred percent pure Meryl. “It was Meryl’s brilliant idea,” executive producer Gregg Fienberg tells Page Six. The goal? To look more like Alexander Skarsgård, who played Celeste Wright’s (Nicole Kidman) abusive husband, Perry, in season 1 (and in some more recent flashback scenes). “She is his mother, after all.”

But here’s a Cosmo exclusive for ya: Meryl didn’t even tell anyone she was having them made. When I spoke with Kathryn Newton, who plays rebel daughter Abigail Carlson on BLL, for her Cosmo profile, she drops the tooth bomb. “I was blown away by her dedication as an actor. She made teeth for the role,” she says. But that’s not all. “She got them made. Like, she didn’t ask anybody. She just did it.” A true GD queen.

This is not Meryl’s first time sporting fake teeth-remember The Iron Lady?-so she knew exactly who to turn to. According to Page Six, Chris Lyons is known as “Hollywood’s tooth fairy” and has molded prosthetic teeth for everyone from Madonna to Leonardo DiCaprio. “Because I’ve worked with her so many times, she can just telephone and order up and I can make them and ship them out and I know they’re going to fit,” he says. “She knows they’re going to fit and there’s absolutely zero panic.”

Let’s check them out, shall we? Here is a side-by-side of Meryl and Mary Louise Wright:

Photo credit: HBO
Photo credit: HBO

As you can see, her front teeth are much more prominent, and her canines are straight instead of sharp. Now, take a look at Meryl as Mary Louise next to Alexander:

Photo credit: HBO
Photo credit: HBO

I get it. I want to look more like a Skarsgård too.

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